George Allison (GfromZ)

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George Allison (GfromZ)

#FBPE Born 320ppm -#Zambia #agriculture, #climate, #science and #bicycles 🚜 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇿🇲🚲🇺🇦
Keir Starmer is blowing what could be democracy’s last chance in Britain. If he delivers yet more disappointment and political disillusionment, Labour will collapse in a subsequent election, and demagogues will move into the vacuum. This week’s column.
It’s as if Keir Starmer is seeking out all the positive reasons to vote Labour – and deleting them | George I fear that if the party comes to power only to deliver frustration and disillusionment, Labour will take a fatal hit, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
It’s as if Keir Starmer is seeking out all the positive reasons to vote Labour – and deleting them
Agree 100% with this from EnergyUK, but frankly, it's getting embarrassing having to repeatedly ask the UK government for proper energy efficiency policy.
Keir Starmer is systematically ditching every positive reason to vote for Labour. All that remains is the negative reason: to evict the Tories.
It’s absolutely essential to ditch the Tories, but it’s very dispiriting. The one thing that keeps me slightly hopeful is that once in Labour is a bit more susceptible to pressure from our side than the other lot.
Keir Starmer is systematically ditching every positive reason to vote for Labour. All that remains is the negative reason: to evict the Tories.
Sunak is doing worse than any other Prime Minister in an election year. From Ipsos’ monthly poll which has all good news for Labour.
“By abandoning Ukraine in a fit of political incompetence, Americans will consent to the deaths of more Ukrainians…We will send a message to Russia and China too, reinforcing their belief that the U.S. is a degenerate, dying power.”
Is Congress Really Going to Abandon Ukraine Now? The U.S. rallied the world to help the Ukrainians. Are Americans really going to leave them to their fate?
South Carolina has one of the lowest percentages of gas stoves in the country. No one cared before scientists discovered they cause people to get sick because of indoor air pollution, then suddenly conservatives started pretending gas stoves were a core part of their identity even in places like SC
Most humans live in areas where the mean average temperature (MAT) is between 13°C and 27°C - “the human climate niche.” Coninuted heating is going to expose at least a billion people to unprecedented heat (MAT ≥29°C) We are in a climate emergency. 1/ 🧪
The thing about having spent lots of time studying societies on the brink of epochal events, and having been *in* more than my fair share of them as they go over the edge, is that until the trigger, it is impossible to convey what is coming to most ordinary people. It's too hard to comprehend
Sure. And it’s their audience that keeps them in the 1990s. It’s not that NYT loves the 1990s specifically. It’s that wealthy news consumers—NYT core audience—don’t want to think about how the world has changed. We need more news outlets that don’t just serve the “Rich, White, and Blue” audience.
It heard that ministers had secretly opted not to implement a court ruling stating that confirmed victims of trafficking and modern slavery should be given leave to remain in the UK while their asylum claims were pending.#FBPE
Theresa May to confront Home Office over ‘appalling’ secret policy on trafficking Department has admitted that it hid the policy due to concerns about former PM’s reaction
I hope more of these kinds of open and honest conversations can help bridge the ideological divides that presently threaten the coordinated climate action we so desperately need. I think we need just the right kinds and amounts of degrowth and green growth. It’s no use shouting across one another.
Night train destinations in Europe for 2024 Re-sharing from
🚨Recognising the Governments #RwandaBill breaks international law, disaplies human rights & puts all our rights at risk @LibDemLords have tabled a FATAL MOTION to kill off the Bill
SHOCKING response from Rishi Sunak at #PMQs to rising
Evaluating Brexit, honestly. New post on my Brexit & Beyond Blog looks at import controls, medicines, green regs & steel jobs, & discusses why it's hard but important to disentangle Brexit effects. But the real test is whether it has met its promises:
Evaluating Brexit, <a rel="me" href="">Mastodon</a>
Brexit is just relentlessly shit. An absolute catastrophe of cost, hassle and humiliation so that a bunch of wildly corrupt and offensively ignorant Tories can legitimise racism and deregulation by calling it ‘sovereignty’.
The man who hid in a fridge because he was scared of some newspaper reporters? That Boris Johnson?
Did you see the Tiktok of Johnson suggesting young people should relish the chance to join the military & train up? I’d like to see him yomping with the army lads on Dartmoor with a huge pack on his back. I’d give him 10 minutes
UK Politics (@politicsintheuk) on Good morning 🤦‍♂️
For me, Sadiq Khan is the premier Labour figure right now.