
After 14 years of corruption, destruction, chaos and misrule, today, 4th July, is our Independence Day.
as if a Labour under Starmer would do anything differently. The right to vote these days is an illusion, the only choice voters get is shit or shit lite.
This trope that ‘they’re all the same’ is a pernicious myth that benefits only the Tories.
The Sun endorsed labour , can it get much clearer? Starmer attacked Trans People as well. It's truly not the Best Party currently. Liberal Democrat's / Greens are the actual better choice here :/
If you read what the S*n says about Labour it’s hardly a ringing endorsement, but they know which way the wind is blowing and like to claim they swung the election by backing the likely winners. Not that Labour have any control over who they back anyway.
I would never read that Rag, the headline is bad enough. I come from a long line of Socialists a handful of which aided in the founding of the Labour Movement, Parties changed much further Right. Do not expect a better time under Labour tbh.
I don’t read it either, it was summarised in another publication. I absolutely expect Labour to be better than these Tories, there is no doubt in my mind they will be. That doesn’t mean they will necessarily be good in govt btw, just not the corrupt, wicked, reckless, feckless and uncaring Tories
Agree to an extent, but don't lose sight of today's objective - it is solely to get rid of the tories - the rest comes after. Until the tories are gone there is no hope of any kind of progress.
And in 2029 the GE will be based around Keeping the Tories Out.
It will, like the Yanks' "independence" prove to be a hollow sham if we elect the CONtinuity Labour party. I've voted for Rejoin, against corporatism, against fascism, against support for genocide. Starmer professes that Mandela is his hero. Starmer lies.
The symbolism makes me fear for the mirror of November 5th, when we celebrate not removing a king and the US votes.
No. Today we see that Labour are just another banner of Tories. It seems to be a necessary step towards real change.