Tony in ‘t Veld-Brown

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Tony in ‘t Veld-Brown

Husband, father to 3 teenage kids and keeper of a menagerie of pets. Geologist for past 15 years, who knows for the next 15?
Oh so when HE has a chosen name everyone just goes with it
update, per The Wall Street Journal
I need your horniest sea creature facts so that I may turn them into jokes on stage tonight during my bit in which I say facts and people guess if the fact is about a sea creature or my ex.
So yeah it does look like Israel took out at least part of Hudaydah's oil storage facilities, which is *going* to have humanitarian impacts and may do some interesting things with regards to politics within Yemen itself. Raising significance of this to mid-level.
Called it 1. This likely isn't the 1st Israeli strike. They're suspected of doing one months ago 2. I wouldn't worry too much about this yet. They hit Hudaydah, which is where a lot of Houthi infrastructure for shipping attacks is. This was to be expected & isn't too much a deviation from baseline
Israel strikes Yemen in response to Houthi drone attack on Tel This is the first time that Israel has directly attacked Yemen.
Israeli airstrikes target Yemen’s Houthis day after deadly drone attack in Tel Aviv | Yemen’s Houthi rebels have blamed Israel after a series of strikes hit
Latest comic: Don't say the a-word!
*david attenborough voice* we are witnessing the rare inverted double fang
don’t ever call the cops for a wellness check for me. you might get me, my dad, or my brother killed. if you’re worried about someone not answering you and they are BIPOC, order pizza to be delivered to their house and let them drivers know it’s for a wellness check. cops = death understand?
the fact that this reminded me of a very similar case where a 65 year old man was killed but I can’t find that exact article because there are too many stories where people called for help or for a wellness check and the person in need ended up being murdered by the cops is…just ..😞
People say scientists are serious but marine biologists will spend hours quietly sitting around tables drawing on styrofoam cups and then tying said cups to deep sea submarines Because ocean pressure will squeeze the air from the cups And we are but human & we want tiny cup
So Peter Thiel is investing heavily in a gambling website for news events and hiring a political pollster to "advise" on it and we just happen to be going through what appears to be an almost completely astroturfed weeks long news cycle of pollsters, donors, and media types influencing an election?
Pay attention to violent crackdown on student protests happening for days in Bangladesh. This is how authoritarian regimes who bought zio surveillance tech spread violence & student killings. Now there is complete shutdown of internet in the country, to suppress communication.
Nice to have free crisps in the hotel room and these look definitely fit for Consumption.
Oh, this is cute: In Idaho, you get to choose which fatal or permanently disabling diseases you prefer for your child. If Republicans keep winning elections, we'll have to GET THOSE DEFUNCT IRON LUNG FACTORIES UP AND RUNNING AGAIN! Freedom! [via @1elizabeth_jacobs on Threads]
From my lecture on male infertility on Friday. Not sure what to do with this information really.
with *so many* apologies to xkcd, I have attempted to make that cartoon relevant to today's outages snark in alt
So, Brit here. Trump speaks for 90 minutes and the Press picks out the few snippets that make sense. Biden speaks for 90 minutes and the Press picks out the few bits that don't make sense. Have I got that right?
Something something cyber domain resiliency hybird operations countermeasures
Waiting patiently for to wake up an drop a ton of dank memes about the Crowdstrike / Microsoft failures.
I once did a very long Twitter thread of photos of The Corrs with him badly cropped out then someone tagged him in on it and he blocked me.
On of my friends pulled this out of the Thames around Brentford. We’re calling him Norbert and we’re trying to help him get home. If you’ve lost a weird wood guy please get in touch. RTs appreciated
Today might be the day to bring back a word I was using a lot in the early bluesky days: disinterpretation. Misinterpretation is when you fail to understand something, disinterpretation is whether – by intention or by recklessness – change its meaning into something that better suits your needs.
To reiterate, the UK has just jailed five climate protesters for *discussing* a climate protest. As I've said elsewhere, this isn't just a victory for the fossil fuel industries, but for the most extreme authoritarianism.
TBH, this seems worse than having the road blocked by climate activists for a few minutes, much less talk about doing so on a Zoom call.
incredible, it went worse than i ever could have possibly thought
asked a star wars question on twitter
GOP: We will murder all Democrats. Dems: Um, hey. Maybe we could just not murder anyone maybe? I don't know. Media: As our partisan divide in politics sharpens and grows wider, Democrats add to the rancor by refusing to even consider a key Republican proposal.
EXCELLENT thread that phrases some problems many “big accounts” have dealt with in a very succinct, non-condescending, and considerate way. TL;DR: please be nice to me and check the replies before you say something other ppl have already said a million times.
Okay, it's time again to talk about what the experience of having a social media account with a bunch of followers (*) is like. (* "a bunch" of followers is platform dependent. I'm getting irritating shit at 2k on Bluesky I didn't get until 10k on Twitter.)
Excellent 🧵! It was only when I got to the end that I noticed that it was posted 9 months ago… if this was the case back then, then I can’t imagine what it must be like now!
Okay, it's time again to talk about what the experience of having a social media account with a bunch of followers (*) is like. (* "a bunch" of followers is platform dependent. I'm getting irritating shit at 2k on Bluesky I didn't get until 10k on Twitter.)
7) Is someone excited about a thing you hate? Are they having fun with the thing? Is the thing a front for white supremacist recruiting or organizing the overthrow of the US government? If the answers are yes, yes, and no, respectively, shut the fuck up and let people enjoy things.