
People said we were being alarmist when we said extremist Christian nationalists would use the abortion laws to target women trying to escape Texas to receive an abortion.
1793 - It is illegal to use these roads to help someone's human property leave their possession by escaping to a slavery free state 2023 - It is illegal to use these roads to help a woman escape forced birth when she is carrying a fetus she would not choose to carry to term.
If you can make it illegal to leave a US state to do something which is legal in another state, then there is no country worth speaking of--just be a Confederacy of feudal states.
The commerce clause called, they want their open roads back.
Calling Mayor Pete, Time for the Federal Highway Administration to pull ALL funding for the Texas part of those INTERSTATE Highways.
Jesus fucking christ, what the hell is wrong with these people.
Extremely worrying, I can't believe things are going this far. What is going on in the US... next will be the same for people trying to get gender affirming care out of state.
I just got my invite code and you were the first person I recognised. Like a shining, familiar beacon in a sea of unfamiliar stuff. Hello!
Fascists never quit and there are no limits to their cruelty and inhumanity.
& you sure as hell dont see all these govt peeps & prolife people stepping up & offering to adopt all these children. "oh no, no abortion, oh but I cant take them in & for them, so I guess we'll just put them all in orphanages and/or moms n babies out on the street with or without welfare" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
It's a bad idea to encourage fundagelicals to adopt. They're literally pro-child abuse.
This is not about children. It's about white Christian males with fertility fetishes who believe the proper place for a woman of ANY age is on her back with her legs spread and her face covered in bruises and tears. Did that sound brutal? Repulsive? Horrific? IT SHOULD.
Im sure theres still plenty of those type around. Maybe they should be deported to Afghanistan, it's returned to that practically. Sad it's still tryna be put back into law, so to speak, or the thought, etc.
Bigotry and religious conquest know no country. It's not American, Afghan or Russian. It's a human thing, wherever humans are found. It just so happens to be America's turn. Deportation or exile isn't the answer, even rhetorically. We didn't deport Nazis. We crushed them right where we found them.
P.S. They said they were going to do this and we believed them. There is now a nice hosted camping trip for those who need to camp outside TX. The problem is hooking people up who need it. It's not a camping trip we need police escort for.
Harriet Tubman, we need you.
Middle East year 47 called and wants their humanity back.
Get the hell out of Texas people!
A lot of us can’t.
I live in Texas - this is shameful and horrible and so wrong
I think we're up to 9 that have passed, unfortunately. So several of those boxes have turned dark orange.
I worked for 8 years in a clinic. We had to add an extra day to our schedule for our protestors and their families, clergy, etc. Our alpha-protestor (grim reaper costume) married the doctor. ALL my friends who found me when FB started, reminded me that was the last place they saw me. Repgs.all!
I can see the family announcements now A quick note to everyone. My wife Kelli is pregnant. She is 7 wks along. She is due around mid Feb. Visiting hours are from 12 till 4: Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at the Yellow Rose Maximum Security Women's Healthcare Center. Gift donations are okay
That's why you go on a road trip to go camping
Is Texas somehow unaware of the Bill of Rights?
Oh, they absolutely are. The whole point of this crap is to provoke people into taking this to the SCOTUS.
But even this stacked SCotUS hasn't ignored the basic Bill of Rights. Interpreted it to the Nth degree maybe, but not ignored it. These travel restrictions trample on basic rights, not just abortion-related laws.
SCOTUS would destroy the 1st Amendment just because the rest of the Republicans told them to, they're that deranged.
And I don’t trust them not to completely disregard that.
What will they do, stop every car with a woman in it?? This is insane.
By "people" you probably mean the same right wing christofascists who did away with abortion laws in the 1st place? You mean them?
Nah. Some I know where folk who still want to justify voting Republican for whatever reason but have deluded themselves about what the national party is actually doing
It’s hard to believe that the thing you’ve been signing onto for years has slid into outright fascism and hostility to the very notion of democracy
Yeah i also think that a lot of those people see the other party as spineless and unable to accomplish anything long lasting ao they continue on hoping things will turn around.
They’ve also internalized the idea that the GOP stand up for, say, rural communities that the dems don’t care about, even though that’s objectively false, so they don’t see it as a better choice for their interests so they don’t want to acknowledge how bad the party has gotten on the national level
This is weird af
You are fundamentally correct!
Just got my invite for BlueSky so happy to find the friendly folks I followed on the exbird site. 🥰
As a Texan, this is absurd. People say leave but I won't. Going to stay here and continue to vote blue.
Hemming in women "Antiabortion advocates behind the measure are targeting regions along interstates and in areas with airports, with the goal of blocking off the main arteries out of Texas and keeping pregnant women hemmed within the confines of their state."
“The purpose of these laws is not to meaningfully enforce them,” said Neesha Davé, executive director of the Lilith Fund, an abortion fund based in Texas. “It’s the fear that’s the point. It’s the confusion that’s the point.”
Wow! This is scary stuff!
How I’m the fuck are we still functioning as a country
Looks like the Texas is trying to go the way of Florida.