
Most of what I've read is "I'm concerned but I will vote for him if its between him and the convicted felon but I wish I had another choice." You don't. So its either him or the guy who was just given immunity for all future crimes. Vote accordingly.
My general advice for the Democratic Party: "Don't change horses mid-stream."
1968: Johnson backed out in March. Nixon was elected. 1972: VP candidate Eagleton was replaced post-convention. Nixon was reelected. 1980: Carter faced a strong primary challenger, the party didn't unite behind him. Reagan was elected. 1984: Reagan was senile, and won reelection in a landslide.
Not to be insensitive and ghoulish, but any Dem who is afraid Biden is too old to carry out another term needs to chill out. Worst case scenario Biden gets inaugurated and drops dead the next day, I guess, from "being over 80". Harris would still be a 100x better as President than Trump.
I think the media are more focused on that 90-minute period on Thursday, than voters are. (Though the media is fomenting plenty of alarm). Instead of moving forward touting Biden's record and plans, the Dems are panicking like the sky is falling. Get a grip!
I think that it all depends on how short video exerts of the debate will be used by the republicans on social media.
I don't know what primary people voted in, so much that they are calling for change now. But I went in eyes wide open. This is a great administration! Great a hiring capable leaders (no need to fire) and Biden is sound and Harris is capable should she be needed. I know them, I am happy with them.
It is not really the president I look at, it’s who he surrounded himself with. The people really doing the work is his cabinet. Look at Trump’s cabinet compared to Biden’s. No contest!
Old man or convicted felon that is going to actively destroy the economy and instate himself and his bloodline as dictators. I'll go with Joe.
Would it help if the Biden just normalized this as ordinary? "All Americans should update their wills regularly and decide who should care for their kids and manage their affairs in case they get hit by a bus." Then spell out who Harris will nominate as her VP.
....if it is necessary, but we aren't there now. It would provide a plan and transparency.