Georgina Yeomans

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Georgina Yeomans

Civil rights appellate lawyer, fed courts enthusiast
A 2017 internal Veterans Affairs report shows Black veterans were more often denied benefits for PTSD than their white counterparts. The analysis crunched claims data from fiscal year 2011 through 2016. And disparate treatment started after WWI when it was still called shell shock. It continues.
Black veterans were denied VA benefits for PTSD more often than “Ever since I came back from Vietnam, I knew that I had a problem, but I didn’t know what it was," said one Black veteran.
My four year old saw his first cyber truck today and declared it “the funniest car ever.” This, from a man who regularly reads Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things That Go, which features a literal hotdog car.
While attempting to purchase a condo, I learned that the seller did not want to sell a home to me because I am Black. You can read the full article in The New York Times, written by Debra Kamin, with photos by Erin Schaff here:
She Made an Offer on a Condo. Then the Seller Learned She Was A Black woman claims a white homeowner tried to pull out of a sale because of her race.
That face when you were ordered off the couch not six minutes ago.
preschool Mother’s Day project delivering some unsettling news
Someone really needs to explain the concept of the weekend to the weather.
Work from home girlfriend we adopted sweet Bella this weekend. She loves chin scratches, walks, and getting on the couch 🥰🥰
Avatar we adopted sweet Bella this weekend. She loves chin scratches, walks, and getting on the couch 🥰🥰
If you are the last group at the White House Egg Roll, you may end up with all their leftover candy…
Me, explaining to my 3 year old that “do you have to poop, yes or no?” is not an eeny-meeny-miny-mo situation.
The internet is bleak, but today I ran for the first time after having 2 hip surgeries last fall/winter. It felt incredible.
The Voting Rights Act made counties with a record of racial discrimination get federal permission before changing their election laws. Roberts court said this was unnecessary. Those counties put in new voting restrictions and the racial turnout gap has increased.
Racial Turnout Gap Has Widened With a Weakened Voting Rights Act, Study The Black share of the electorate had been on the rise for decades, but in some counties, a Supreme Court decision in 2013 changed that, according to a new analysis.
I think my son’s fish are exercising their Section 7 rights. 👊
Remember that DOJ sought expedited review of this issue from the Court last year (skipping the circuit courts). They refused and punted it to the DC Circuit, which took months; then dilly dallied all this time after the DC Circuit’s decision, before finally issuing a grant. It’s pretty transparent.
I am not into these happy birthday emails from corporations that do not include any freebies.
This is inside baseball so people might sleep on it but this is a five-alarm fire in the making. If judges claim the ability to pass constitutional judgement on congressional procedure we don't have an independent legislature anymore. We're talking full blown constitutional crisis.
A Trump judge just ruled that Congress' 2023 appropriations act is unconstitutional because it was passed with proxy voting. But the Constitution says the House "may determine the Rules of its Proceedings" ...
There are no words for this evil. “On one occasion, a handful of children, all about ages 5 to 8, were carried to the emergency room by their parents. All had single sniper shots to the head.”
Opinion: I'm an American doctor who went to Gaza. What I saw wasn't war — it was As a surgeon, I volunteered at a Gaza hospital. The conditions were unthinkable. With a ground offensive in Rafah, people have nowhere to go.
This bugs me so much because, as far as I can tell (not great audio quality), they’re both signing the melody…?
Fresh basic income pilot results, this time from Arlington, Virginia where 200 people got $500 a month for 2 years. The findings: Employment INCREASED by 16%, and their incomes from paid work INCREASED by 37%. The control group saw no such gains.
#appellatesky has anyone written anything/done any studies on courts issuing unpublished decisions? Which COAs publish more, whether courts generally are publishing less?
Wait never mind!!! Casual sexism is me telling the HVAC guy it doesn’t seem fixed, him lecturing me about how heat pumps work, then actually checking the unit and seeing it is 100% broken.
The worst best thing is when an appliance malfunctions and a repair person comes and says it’s some tiny ridiculous thing like “the thermostat was too dusty.”
The worst best thing is when an appliance malfunctions and a repair person comes and says it’s some tiny ridiculous thing like “the thermostat was too dusty.”
A pediatrician’s two weeks inside a hospital in Gaza
Wow, let’s be a little less subtle: “A hidden path to America’s dinner tables begins here, at an unlikely source – a former Southern slave plantation that is now the country’s largest maximum-security prison.”
it actually kind of amazes me that this isn't a bigger political issue for unions