
A recent poll puts the LibDems at just 3 seats behind the Tories. 3 seats! Check the tactical voting sites. And if you’re in a constituency where the LibDems have the best chance of beating the Tories - vote LibDem. Imagine a Labour government with a LibDem opposition. What a game changer!
I'd say that even in a consistency where it's close between Labour and Lib Dem, go Lib Dem. The chance to eliminate the Tories is unlikely to arise again.
This is basically only in Wimbledon and Sheffield Hallam. Everywhere else the anti-Tory vote is pretty clear and splitting the Lib / Lab vote might risk a Tory getting in.
There are others. For example some polls have suggested LD could win Salisbury, but tactical voting sites are unfortunately saying vote Labour. That's just one I know of because I have a relation there - and I'm also aware of the strong Liberal tradition in Salisbury.
Broadly that's true. The difficulty is in places which neither party are targeting (or even can) but people sniff a chance with the Tory-RefUK split. Do you go with Lab as biggest national profile or do you gamble that LDs have higher ceiling in Tory areas? My guess is Lab but dunno really.
Yeah the MRP polls suggest Lab all you have to go on really! There has been a massive amount of debate on this internally at I'm pretty happy with where we've landed. Lot of looking into the relative ground game strength and competence of MRP pollsters. Your vote is your power. Use it tactically to get the Tories out, then influence your new MP and the next government.
If you're involved in that I think you've done a very decent job making best use of the evidence. Very few eyebrow raisers in there for me. Bound to be the odd surprise on the night, of course, out of hundreds of seats.
If you find a seat where no broadly progressive party has a chance at winning, give your vote to the one you like best. Boosting national numbers is good, and the more they have the more funding they'll be allocated ('short money'). Plus it might give them a stronger public profile for next time.
Under our voting system you don't get Lib Dems into opposition by most people voting Lib Dem. What happens is people in 65-75 seats vote Lib Dem, in 4 seats green. And in 500 seats Labour. See: It's not Lib Dems winning loads it's Tories losing hard enough. Vote tactically to put the Tories in 3rd place. Find out where tactical voting is most important to get the Tories in 3rd and Lib Dems as the official opposition!
So how do propose people vote in Clacton (couldn’t find it on your map) Should they vote for the Labour candidate that Starmer has refused to back? Farage who is likely to beat the Tory? Or the Tory to stop Farage?
We recommend Labour as that's the logic of what the site does. We're called StopTheTories right? (Lots of people seem confused on this point). Farage has talked about joining the Tory party so... yeah. My guess is Reform will win it though sadly.
So you would rather Farage than one Tory seat 🤦🏻‍♀️
You can make that choice personally. 'Stop the Tories' probably can't.
Because its all about stopping the Tories and not the rise if Right Wing politics. Be interesting in 5 years time 🤨
And if you're voting in Scotland, imagine it with SNP alongside the libdems. Scotland should keep the faith and vote SNP to oust the tories and keep labour on the straight and narrow.
Vlad won’t like it, Nigel won’t like it!
Tactical voting is the way to put Tories in third place. They don’t deserve anything more. They have caused terrible damage to our nation.
Excellent piece, thanks for sharing.
That’s marvellous ! Go! LibDems!
Honestly might be the hedge the world needs with America, France, and the broader EU lurching hard right.
Better still would be 65+ socialists breaking away from Labour to form an opposition. NEW Survation MRP: Probabilistic seat count: LAB 484 CON 64 LD 61 SNP 10 RFM 7 PC 3 GRN 3