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Electoral Reform Campaigner.
Dev on https://stopthetories.vote

Please stop having elections so I can go sea kayaking.
Reposted byAvatar James
Ooh, I know this, it's a "power stance" which is meant to make you look stronger and more dominant. All the Tories were doing it a few years back and it made them look absolutely insane.
Reposted byAvatar James
They have been in power since Friday afternoon and by Monday morning they have already achieved more than what, Sunak’s entire career as PM? (Am I being unfair? I don’t remember Sunak getting literally anything done)
Reposted byAvatar James
Yes, I am glad that UK politics is in the hands of serious people [again]. That Labour has a majority that will allow them to steer British politics away from populism. The Ref*k have only five seats. But Ian is 100% correct to say that the seat distribution is democratically unacceptable.
Let's have an honest conversation about the election result: No party should secure 63.2% of MPs on 33.7% of the popular vote. And that's as true for Labour as it was for the Tories. shorturl.at/Yl3FK
Election 2024: This could be the birth of a powerful new electoral reform movementshorturl.at The election result might be wonderful, but it is not strictly tolerable.
Reposted byAvatar James
For all non-British viewers, a quick summary of the general election.
Reposted byAvatar James
‘Starmer scraps Rwanda policy’ But I was told Starmer’s Labour and the Tories are the same. It’s almost as if anyone saying that is some kind of cretinous buffoon, so emotionally hung up on not getting their precisely exact perfect version of Labour, they dismiss anything else as being Tory. Huh.
The two big arguments for FPtP are: It delivers stable government. *points at last 10 years* It keeps extremists out of parliament. *looks at Farage* With the volatility of voters. In 2029 FPtP could give reform a SuperMajority on just 35% of the vote. So ask yourself, do you feel lucky?
So Suella has launched her leadership bit to "Save the Tory party". A modest proposal - how about we just... don't?
Reposted byAvatar James
Reposted byAvatar James
Though useful to work out who to mute or block. "Kieth" in a derogatory context is an automatic mute, and if combined with horribly abusive language and tankie / soviet credentials, a block This doesn't mean I'm a Starmer fan - I voted LibDem - but I respond to policy debates not ad hominem attacks
What % of extra tactical voting over the MRPs put Lib Dems in 2nd? This is just a bit of fun. Some of the data going in already has tactical voting included some doesn't. All the same, probably more scientific that Electoral Calculus VI -> MRP thing.😂 stopthetories.vote/map
StopTheTories.Vote - Interactive Map!stopthetories.vote See how more Tactical Voting could could influence the General Election.
Reposted byAvatar James
Reposted byAvatar James
The general election is next week, a week on Friday. It is our once in a lifetime opportunity to wound the Tories, one which they may never recover from, at least not for a decade or more. The Tories have ripped this country apart, let’s make sure they pay the price. https://stopthetories.vote/
StopTheTories.Votestopthetories.vote Your vote is your power. Use it tactically to get the Tories out, then influence your new MP and the next government.
Reposted byAvatar James
A link for those who are interested in voting tactically to ‘Stop The Tories’… every vote matters, they all count, think of all those who fought for the right to vote in this country… if we don’t vote then we have to take responsibility for the outcome. stopthetories.vote
StopTheTories.Votestopthetories.vote Your vote is your power. Use it tactically to get the Tories out, then influence your new MP and the next government.
Top Viewed Tactical Advice 1.⁠ ⁠Clacton 2.⁠ ⁠Mid Sussex 3.⁠ ⁠Epsom and Ewell 4.⁠ ⁠St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire 5.⁠ ⁠North West Essex 6.⁠ ⁠North Herefordshire 7.⁠ ⁠Richmond and Northallerton 8.⁠ ⁠Waveney Valley 9.⁠ ⁠Ely and East Cambridgeshire 10.⁠ ⁠Brecon Radnor and Cwm Tawe stopthetories.vote
StopTheTories.Votestopthetories.vote Your vote is your power. Use it tactically to get the Tories out, then influence your new MP and the next government.
Reposted byAvatar James
Join me in voting tactically to Stop The Tories, and together we'll make sure our votes are actually earned next time. Smart voters have political power. stopthetories.vote
Reposted byAvatar James
Reposted byAvatar James
Live in Wells & Mendip Hills Constituency? To get the Conservatives OUT you need to vote Lib Dem. If you normally vote Labour, don't worry, next door in North East Somerset & Hanham we are asking Lib Dem voters to vote Labour to ensure removing Rees-Mogg. Let's help each other. Vote Tactically
StopTheTories.Votestopthetories.vote Your vote is your power. Use it tactically to get the Tories out, then influence your new MP and the next government.
Reposted byAvatar James
This debacle absolutely guarantees that British politicians will be attending commemorative events for several decades to come. Absolutely classic blunder by Sunak.
He will never live it down.
A digital advert *from the Conservatives* showing they might end up being 3rd in seats... I mean... That's Brave...
New Redfield and Wilton Strategy VI: Labour 45% (+3) Conservative 19% (–) Reform UK 17% (–) Lib Dem 10% (-2) Green 5% (-1) SNP 3% (–) Other 1% (-1) #ukpolitics #ge24 Lib Dem official opposition...
Reposted byAvatar James
Vote Lib Dem in Horsham where Sunak has been trying to shore up the Tory vote today.
Josh Russells Stop the Tories Shows that if we could nudge a few Lab/Greens to hold their nose and treat this not as voting in against their desires but voting out for the greater good.
It dawned on me today - we're probably in the most enjoyable election I'll see. A future party may arise who I'd hate more vehemently, who'll screw the country more completely, who'll fuckup more spectacularly and who'll implode more totally. But not, I pray, in my life time. 🥲 #ukpolitics
Reposted byAvatar James
A thing to remember is that the “tragedy of the commons” essay was written long after the enclosure movement as an after-the-fact justification of the massive poverty and famine inflicted by enclosure. It was not based on a single bit of data.
The parties should all stand down in Sunaks seat. He’s going to resign post GE and piss off anyway. So save the trouble and just campaign next time. Let Binface have a clear run.
Someone check Penny Mordaunts OK? Candidate for Portsmouth, honorary Naval Commander. She's doing a Live TV debate and will have to defend the PM bunking off from the 80th Anniversary D-Day event. I do start to wonder if this is Sunak exacting his revenge on the party?! #ukpolitics #GE24
Wait... he was planning to not show up AT ALL?! "The French government was told a week ago that Rishi Sunak would not attend the D-Day 80th commemoration, Tory sources have confirmed. The message to Paris from his team was that he would be too busy campaigning in the general election..."
D-Day: Tory fury - Sunak leaves early - French told he would not attendreaction.life How can a Tory leader, desperately trying to secure the pensioner vote, seriously miss the point that attending the D-Day ceremony trumps all?
Reposted byAvatar James
It's possible that hiring a Spectator columnist to be your political secretary because he's your best mate isn't the best idea.
The latest version of stopthetories.vote has started to show guidance where we're certain of it. Still quite a lot where we're waiting on more polling to decide who the best anti-Tory candidate is and also if you even need to vote tactically. Constructive feedback welcome & please share!
Reposted byAvatar James