Jim FR 🔭 🍻🌳⭐️⭐️

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Jim FR 🔭 🍻🌳⭐️⭐️


Very amateur 🔭 📷 of✨🪐, 29 year old astrophysics degree. Metal🤘🏻🖖🏻,🍻, will sometimes argue the toss, may drop Carcass lyrics into chats.🇪🇺. C#.Net. Social-Liberal.🔶🕯🐟 Honorary Loiner #NFFC⚽️
The Owl Nebula M97 and the photons with the seriously longest journey I‘ve ever captured in a pixel. A quasar 8.6 billion (!!!) light-years away. #astrophotography #astronomy #space #clearskies Baader Apo 95 CaF2
That’s it then. We were good but they were better.
Made it in about five minutes after that start. What do we think so far?
when I see people in the UK pushing for privatizing anything about healthcare, I want to scream at them
I lost most of a week of work because my doctor declined to renew a prescription (which has severe withdrawal symptoms, btw) without telling me why, so I had to spend lots of time trying to fix things. He also seems only to respond to anything after work hours on Friday.
Morning everybody! We all good? Anyone know what’s supposed to have gone off on here last night?
M20 Trifid 5 hours, on the left stacked and basic elaboration with @siril.org . Right with star extraction. Which one do you prefer? #astrophotography
Harsh but a fair assessment. All the oh so unfunny, Keith jibes and any other leader nonsense. Starmer seems to have hit the ground running.
At least the Greens will get as much coverage as Reform across all the channels now.
First Tory minister shown the door. Cheers!
Swindon South. First one with deform not in second, First minister booted out
Can’t cope with widdy shrieking, and Nadine’s gibberish
Oh god, Nadine’s being an idiot again…
Hannah Fry ✅ Rory Stewart ✅ Alistair Campbell ✅ Widdy?!❌ Hmm… maybe bbc might be better. See how it goes
The family have got sewing bee on. They keep taking about boning. Difficult to keep a straight face…
A recent poll puts the LibDems at just 3 seats behind the Tories. 3 seats! Check the tactical voting sites. And if you’re in a constituency where the LibDems have the best chance of beating the Tories - vote LibDem. Imagine a Labour government with a LibDem opposition. What a game changer!
This is why I’ve been writing for years that “nothing in movement conservatism makes sense except in the light of creationism.” It’s the exact same tactics, just repurposed for other causes. I share the frustration.
It is enormously frustrating to know, as an evolutionary biologist with experience from the trenches of the creationist wars on science, that nobody on Biden’s team nor CNN’s seem to be aware of the Gish Gallop, 30y after Eugenie Scott described it and years of Trump deploying it!
Gish gallop - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
Keir Starmer, "Don't forget what the Conservatives have done" "Don't forget partygate.. Covid contracts.. The lies.. The kickbacks.. The division.. The scapegoating of minorities.. The failure to invest.. The trips to the bookies.. The decimation of your public services.. "Don't forget any of it"
Well. Looks like Spain are having Very English Problems… #EspGeo
Pickford proving that “catches win matches” works for footy too! #EngSvk
If you see this, post a picture from your phone if you like, but don't explain it.
If you see this, post a picture from your phone if you like, but don't explain it.
Just catching up with the competition - it’s not often footy gets “rain stopped play”!😂 #GERvsDEN
Is Fartrag trying to throw Clacton with the Russia/Ukraine comments? Just a thought…
This is lining up to be a pretty decent match!
That was dull. Instead of getting it into the box, they ended just knocking it around from side to side with no desire to do anything.