
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
people forget that the military specifically targets poor kids for recruitment, using benefits/stability as a big draw, and therefore you have a lot of people in the military who would not otherwise choose to be there
and of course there are people who will moralize that decision by saying that folks don’t have a right to live comfortably through that route, but I just also don’t believe that folks born into situations they cannot control should be forced to suffer to ensure their morality remains pure
can’t tell you the number of shitheads who’ve blocked me for pointing this out to them
Honestly, most of the vets I know personally are ardent progressives or leftists.
The one I know who isn't is an absolute freak who misses being able to shoot people.
honestly I’d want to see some recent and decent polling data on this. personally, the only vets I know are liberal to left; but most of my friends are liberal to left so I’m selecting on the dependent variable here the plural of anecdote isn’t data, etc.
*whistles* that’s a sizable difference. can’t think of another demo swing away from Trump that big. maybe latinos and white women? wonder how much of that held in 2022 and election results (or just exit surveys) always >>> polling gracias
and that was just on base, so active duty, largely enlisted, and spouses now I’m really curious to know which way vets went
Maybe they thought Biden was more likely not to send them on desert escapades, where they could have new and interesting experiences involving Iranian made AKs. It’s one thing to sign up to protect your fellow citizens, quite another to do Exxon’s dirty work.
Wow. It's a total mystery why the military would turn away from the GOP. No clue! Just drawing a complete blank as to why military personnel and the chain of command would give the cold shoulder to Republicans.
6 times Trump insulted US Former president Donald Trump has a long history of clashing with military families and US veterans. The newly convicted felon, who famously evaded the Vietnam War draft, has even reportedly called sl...
Looking at the guys I went to high school with who served there are probably more conservatives than there were in the class but not by a lot. It’s a slight lean not an overwhelming one. I do know a surprising number of veterans who are socialists too though.