Gibson Twist (buffering...)

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Gibson Twist (buffering...)

Mysterious figure of suspicious origin. Wuthering Heights graphic novel coming w/ Andrews McMeel, Titanic w/ First Second. He/him sorta.

I was cool in the 90s.

Grown-up graphic novels
Oh hey, it's Wednesday. Hope y'all get over that hump okay ;) #nsfwart #pinup
Norm enters. Norm- Afternoon everybody. Everyone- NORM! Diane, not doing her job- Norman. Woody- What's the good word, Mr Peterson? Norm- Sun's gotta explode someday, Woody. Carla- Not soon enough! Cliff- Well, Nahm, funny you should say-- Al- Eat shit, mailman! Sam- Oop! Viagra's kicking in.
The number of files I have that are just called "List" on my computer is proof of something but I don't want to think about what.
Some of you may know and most of you won't care, but I've been in a dark cave of my own dilapidated soul for the past year, and coming out of it I'm finding that my work is a lot different than it was before. The subjects I'm picking are lighter, and my writing process is also quite changed.
If it wasn't intended, it wasn't a pun.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
Let's be clear, it did not choke me up. It made me cry. People are going to love this book. I mean, look at this page, this was a test page Rori did before there was even a script. Wuthering Heights
In personal comics news, I showed Gibson some chapters from Wuthering Heights last night, they're rough, but lettered & paneled. There's a really intense section & it choked him up even though he wrote it. I feel like, holy shit, I'm doing good work on this book. Can't wait for y'all to read it.
A pompadour.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
If the evil is not defeated in November, we've decided, Americans can move to Canada but only to Manitoba or Saskatchewan, and you have to build your own house. A soddy is a time-tested affordable option. Also, most of you have to be doctors. Pundits need not apply.
I'm not a vampire, I'm pretty sure. I haven't been tested, but I went over a river yesterday and everything was cool. So other than beig a vampire, why do have breakfast at 7pm every day now?
Surely Joe Biden has better things to do with his time than write me all these emails.
Can we openly talk about Print Ninja's sketchy stuff too?
I’m opening commission slots for custom pet portraits as well because I want to draw your furry (or feathered/scaled/finned) friends. Show me those good boys and girls!
Trump getting sort of shot feels like it would have been a good place for a mid-season break, then we'd all have a couple months before they start their shit up again.
Is this a good time to talk about Sticker App?
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: A record store still exists, defying physics.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Slacker artist finds out he can't charm or drink his way way out of being evicted, oops! (Read it here!
Seconded, or whatever number I am down the line. I don't even get that much noise, but being a potential target for any dickhead trying to prove how much more enlightened they are than you is tiring and unpaid.
devs, once again I am begging you for a mute non-followers setting. I will do disgusting things to get this, name your price
I never wash anything I'M PUNK ROCK WOO
Watching them meticulously cleaning their ovens every day in THE BEAR and man, I don't even wash my brushes
I might have too many projects in development right now. I'm even drawing some of these. Spellpunk Riot Riff Raff Ballyhoo Utopia Records The Lost Moon Ashtray Rock The Obituary Club Rain Dogs Underland Caravaggio! Les Miserables (humour) God help me, I'm even thinking about adapting Citizen Kane.
Thankfully still at zero. Vanishing from society has its perks.
Good advice not just for Olympians. Long Covid is a real thing. Also, we don’t know the long term effects of repeated infections. I’m treating Covid like CTE: how many concussions can you take before you lose your mind 10-20 years on? How many Covid infections are you willing to get?
Just gonna say, EMPIRE RECORDS but also THE YOUNG ONES and if you're someone who knows what both of those things are, watch this space..
I'm De La Souling. Recommended for a today kind of day.
Just checking, no particular reason, but does anyone else remember Massive Head Wound Harry?
The idea that we are going to be held to the caprice of every armchair critic who's never done an actual god damned thing to make the world better is a really unattractive prospect for this kid. I'm just not perfect enough for that and I don't want to be.
I mean, I don't side with queer racists when they're being racist,, no matter how queer they are.
I love this meme where everyone is giving out their own kidnapping instructions.
If it makes a difference, she's incredibly good.
Not sure if anyone does, but if anyone has recommendations for illustration agents, please give me their names! ESPECIALLY if they're currently taking on clients. 💜
Merge two films? Animal Farmhouse
Merge two films Harold and Maude and Kumar Go To White Castle
Go see Erica and tell her Gibson Twist said "Hail Hydra."
SDCC is in TWO WEEKS! Here's my schedule: THURSDAY Signing Rat City at the Image Comics booth (#1915) from 2:00pm - 3:00pm. FRIDAY Image Storytelling panel in room 25ABC from 1:00pm - 2:00pm. Signing Rat City and The Deadliest Bouquet at the Image booth (#1915) from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
I really need to get over this shitty brain that good artists won't want to work wth me because great artists already work with me. Is it because I'm Danish?