Erica Schultz

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Erica Schultz

Patron Saint of Love & Violence.

Writer of Spawn: Rat City, X-23, Black Widow, Daredevil, Hallows' Eve, Moon Knight, and more.
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This went out without any fanfare at all, oops. But hey, Sapphic Pulp backers, check your inbox!! 🥰
SDCC is next week! How is it POSSIBLE?! Okay, so here's a thread of my schedule: THURSDAY: 9a-10a, I'll be signing at the Prism Comics booth #2144. I'll have comics to sell, but you can also bring comics for me to sign! 2p-3p, I'll be signing at the Image Comics booth #1915 for Spawn: Rat City!
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NAP COMIX! #182 I am almost better now. Thank goodness. Read all the NAP COMIX episodes for free on Webtoon: Give me a tip to help me continue to make comics: #napcomix #mumlife #diarycomics #newmum #autobiocomic #diarycomic #babycomic
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Hi everyone, I'm looking for work from September onwards, so if you have any leads for writing, narrative design, narrative design consultation, German-English localisation, or mock reviews let me know, I'll be at Devcom/Gamescom and am available for meetings there!
Good advice not just for Olympians. Long Covid is a real thing. Also, we don’t know the long term effects of repeated infections. I’m treating Covid like CTE: how many concussions can you take before you lose your mind 10-20 years on? How many Covid infections are you willing to get?
Tour de France and Olympic athletes are wearing masks because they understand that catching COVID could undo years of hard work and sacrifices.
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some Avatar sequentials I did for practice over the weekend. I got a bit obsessive. I hope they turned out okay. #avatar #frontiersofpandora #neytiri #darkhorse #avatarthewayofwater #thanator
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Saw a giant exhibition of his work a while back at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and LOVED it.
Artist Duke Riley uses discarded bottles of engine coolant, bleach and Gatorade to bend the rules of an artform that’s become illegal to practice using the customary whalebone. A piece of his recently acquired by the New Bedford Whaling Museum depicts a grim scene of industrial pollution.
Not your grandfather’s scrimshaw: Duke Riley engraves pollution scenes on ocean Artist Duke Riley uses discarded bottles of engine coolant, bleach and Gatorade to bend the rules of an artform that’s become illegal to practice using the customary whalebone. A piece of his recently...
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Erasmuscon 2024 Delighted to announce that I will be a Guest of Honour at the convention. There will be panels and a presentation and I will be tabling throughout the event schedule. This is my first time in Rotterdam so very excited to be a part.
Did anyone ever buy those X-ray glasses from a comic book? I’m curious as to how well they worked. Did they go through one layer of clothes? Or was it just skeletons all the way?
Just saw Richard Simmons passed. May he sweat to the oldies in the sky.
Kirby: Comics will break your heart. Me: Nah… Doc: Your arrhythmia is more pronounced on the EKG this year from last year. Me: … Kirby’s Ghost: Toldja, kid.
We have a FLOOR and a CEILING in the kitchen again! Hallelujah!
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Go see Erica and tell her Gibson Twist said "Hail Hydra."
SDCC is in TWO WEEKS! Here's my schedule: THURSDAY Signing Rat City at the Image Comics booth (#1915) from 2:00pm - 3:00pm. FRIDAY Image Storytelling panel in room 25ABC from 1:00pm - 2:00pm. Signing Rat City and The Deadliest Bouquet at the Image booth (#1915) from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
SDCC is in TWO WEEKS! Here's my schedule: THURSDAY Signing Rat City at the Image Comics booth (#1915) from 2:00pm - 3:00pm. FRIDAY Image Storytelling panel in room 25ABC from 1:00pm - 2:00pm. Signing Rat City and The Deadliest Bouquet at the Image booth (#1915) from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
Happy New Comic Book Day! Next week, the shelves are taken over! Rat City #4, Blood Hunters #4, and Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #1 will be waiting did you!
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deadly serious, if you can convince small business owners that the republicans intend to pass a law that tells them they *cannot* operate on sunday, the party implodes *overfuckingnight*
Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath. Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.
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wanna feel old? the dutch tulip bubble collapsed 387 years ago.
CONTRACTOR: So you're the writer my guys keep talkin' 'bout. ME: Yep. C: Shouldn't you have a big bottle of booze next to you while you write? M: I don't drink alcohol. It's a violation of my parole. C: … M: … C: We're gonna do a good job on your house, ma'am. M: Oh, I know you will.
Working on a lettering draft, scripts, and emails before I get to veg on a word game.
Final orders for Blood Hunters #1 are due this weekend!
The need for some distance from the world is coming at just the right time…just before SDCC. Sigh. Let’s hope I’m not TOO anti-social and yank my career. Lol
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In celebration of passing the 50% mark on EPIPHANY ENGINE the Ultimate Comics Crossover Event of 2024, here's the double-page splash introducing our core heroes THE MCKALI FAMILY by Sean Damien Hill and DC Alonso! Back the campaign!!
Friday SDCC panel! 1-2pm Image Comics Storytelling panel in room 25ABC. 330pm-430pm Signing Rat City and The Deadliest Bouquet at the Image booth (1915).
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The rot in the Republican Party has been there for decades. All Trump did was show them they didn’t have to pretend anymore.
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Go see Emma!
Let's go! London Film & comic con 2024 is go ^_^ 🎉
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#4 Carnage, Pere Pérez and the road to Meltdøwn Listen, it's been a year.