Gillian Frank

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Gillian Frank

Historian of sexuality & religion. Co-host of Sexing History, a podcast about how the history of sexuality shapes our present. Writing a book about liberal religion & abortion before Roe v Wade (Forthcoming UNC Press).
Followed by Lowest of the Low and the Weakerthans!
Thinking about this 1968 cult classic and the politics of age and power... because *cough* debates* cough
Unfortunately the PhD will be in that one discipline we all make fun of. You know who you are.
I say with all sincerity: Candidate for best job posting ever?
Ummmm As the phrase goes... historian of sexuality here.... Campus sex has long been political....
On this Passover and beyond...
Indiana! Last year I, along with other scholars, authored an amicus brief on behalf of faith groups who understood that Indiana's abortion ban was an infringement upon their religious freedoms. The Indiana Court of Appeals agrees!
BREAKING: Indiana Appeals Court sides with Jewish plaintiffs who challenged the abortion ban Mike Pence signed into law as a violation of the religious freedom law he *also* signed into law. Similar lawsuits in several states are moving forward -->
The sleeper legal strategy that could topple abortion Jews, Episcopalians, Unitarians, Satanists and other people of faith say the laws infringe on their religious rights.
Everyone's talking about ChatGPT but nobody's talking about the real AI threat
Most our students were born after 2002....
The real culture war on campuses that nobody is talking about
Look you guys, Comstock is a real threat to democracy. And part of the freedom it means to interrupt is to have sexual play & pleasure. If the original Comstock laws were still on the books, then events like this could not exist in public & wouldn't be popping up in my FB feed.
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Comstockery is religious zealotry codified into law. Comstockery expands the state's right to survey & police our sex lives & the sexual images we watch, create & display by expanding the definition of obscenity. It declares that politicians have better judgment than we do.
The fact that Comstockery is being revitalized should profoundly worry you if you like: - contraceptive products or info about contraceptive products - having access to abortion or info about abortion - having sexual privacy as a consenting adult - 'sexual' imagery
You should be worried if you would prefer: - to not have the state policing your bedroom, your bookstore or your browser. - to decide when and whether to reproduce. - to have doctors and not religious zealots determine your reproductive healthcare.
Today's class activity: reviewing the course material by playing "matchmaker."
What's so striking to me is the paragraph where this side-by-side takes place. Are these equivalent social forces? What kind of work is the word "some" doing here? In the wake of Moms for Liberty and GOP curricular obsessions, more precision is necessary.
I have to further confess that I also doctored this image, which is neither recent nor an accurate reflection of me.
sorry guys i need to confess that this image of me is photoshopped
sorry guys i need to confess that this image of me is photoshopped
A burning question from 1971 🤡 "Would you marry a women's libber?"
Teaching Berger's "Ways of Seeing" for the first time to my freshman seminar as a means of introducing them to visual culture and gender. And I can't recommend using this image enough to explicate Berger's ideas:
Someone notify the teen's family please.
Once upon a time "abortion on demand" was not right-wing language. It was the language of the repeal movement that centered women's agency & made voluntary pregnancy paramount. That this language quickly became infused w/ negative meaning speaks to the powerful influence of anti-abortion activists.
Reverend Howard Moody, prescient and incisive, wrote the following about abortion and religious pluralism on the eve of Roe v Wade:
Delighted that this book is coming out! And that and I have a chapter in this edited volume! You can now pre-order Fighting Mad: Resisting the End of Roe v. Wade!
Just another day in the 'burbs.