
Susanna Cassisa
Susanna Cassisa
mississippian. UBC german studies grad student. alleged podcaster. she/her.
Dan McDonald
Dan McDonald
/* XXX KEBE SAYS at least I got "danmcd" here. */

Dad&Husband, BEAGLE-DAD, #illumos core team, early IPv6 & IPsec guy. Alum of Michigan, Arizona, and multiple tech firms. he/him/his

My other socials can be found here:
Bidusao cabra da peste
Bidusao cabra da peste
Professor esquerdista, anarquista, socialista, comunista, antifacista, super a favor das CEB'S, amo minha esposa, filhas, netas/os , sobrinhas/os, o Bidu, os animais, as pessoas e a natureza! 🌹💮♟️📿🪬🧿🕉️☯️🛐
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
Writer, book person. Bookseller, librarian. Brown Ajah. איך רעד אַ ביסל ייִדיש. Words in Haiku Universe, Corvus Review, Bare Back Magazine, elsewhere. #wellesley Writing a memoir. Slava Ukraini. #standwithisrael #BLM she/her
Joe Dunman
Joe Dunman
Asst. Prof at Louisville Law (torts, writing, religion, employment)
Former: Managing Attorney @ Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, prof @ Morehead State, and lawyer for KY plaintiffs in Obergefell v Hodges.
I like heavy music. Mistakes are my own.
they/he. 25. horror, fungi, birds, japanese and greek mythology. artist, crafter, occultist
Kristine Toft Rosland
Kristine Toft Rosland
Associate Professor University of South-Eastern Norway. Reader of weird texts, from Nag Hammadi to fanfiction
Jen Ebbeler
Jen Ebbeler
Classics/Late Antiquity professor at UT Austin; Augustine/Cyprian/Ancient Letters/Imperial and Late Antique History. Disability advocate. Owned by cats.
Hillary Loomis
Hillary Loomis
all things sheep~wool~tweed 🌞🌱🐑🧶🪡
environmental history
agricultural/commodity/textile history

PhD student SIU Edwardsville Historical Studies

Mama, enviro ed pro, Wisconsin girl at heart
Debra Mihalic Staples
Debra Mihalic Staples
Writer. Words in High Country News, Still: The Journal, Wild Roof Journal, Gastropoda, SC Wildlife, SC Arts Commission Fiction Project, Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel …
Guillaume Candela
Guillaume Candela
Colonial Latin America, Indigenous History, Senior Research Associate at Native Bound Unbound SAR, Visiting Research Fellow School of History University of Leeds. Member of the UKLAH board. Colonial LASA Social Media committee.
Daphne Marx
Daphne Marx
Post-capitalist amplexus advocate
Suzanna Krivulskaya
Suzanna Krivulskaya
historian | college professor | a gay fantasia on national themes
Nonprofit, nonpartisan organization conducting research at the intersection of religion, values, and public life.
Patrick Burrows
Patrick Burrows
Religious studies prof at Berea College | Theology, ethics, queer studies, geography | North Carolinian | YNWA | he/him
Feral Ephemeral
Feral Ephemeral
How do you do, fellow biographical front matter?
Queer initiative community organisation
Queer initiative community organisation
A small non profit organisation supporting and standing in for the LGBT refugees in kakuma refugee camp kenya. Consider donating and spread love ❤🏳‍🌈 through our fundraiser :
Eva Payne
Eva Payne
Historian of gender, sexuality, and US empire | Author of Empire of Purity: The History of Americans' Global War on Prostitution (Princeton University Press, 2024) | Assistant Prof @ U of Mississippi | Avid birder
Kendra Albert
Kendra Albert
Technology, gender, and power. Tech lawyer at Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic. Director at the Initiative for a Representative First Amendment (IfRFA). Board @ Tor Project. Thinks too much about Anthony Comstock.

They/them. More at
Glen Jackson
Glen Jackson
#LockHimUp 🇺🇸 #EndCitizensUnited #ExpandTheCourt #ClimateCrisis #CleanEnergy #Architecture #Future #AdaptiveReuse
Nora Salas
Nora Salas
Arterial Z
Arterial Z
Vancouver is beautiful
Richard Price (they/them)
Richard Price (they/them)
Non-binary political scientist studying the censorship of queer stories and LGBTQ educational activism. Bossed around by four cats. Blog intermittently at
Lynn Sacco
Lynn Sacco
Retired historian, Chicagoan, lived long enough to get out of Tennessee alive. Straight me - do not bother.
Adam "Ask Me About Joe Lancaster" Laats
Adam "Ask Me About Joe Lancaster" Laats
US Historian at Binghamton U. Columbo fan. Books about schools, religion, conservatism. Now writing about the roots of US public schools, c. 1790-1860.
Bonsai Wolf. Tiny and Mighty™️. Adorkable chihuahua. Malware and tradecraft analyst. Dogged and rigorous. Bit of a weirdo. Feral historian focusing on extremism. he/they Email: [email protected]
Annie Heffernan
Annie Heffernan
AP in political theory at University of Michigan working at the intersection of disability studies, feminist theory, and democratic theory. she/hers
Political junkie, hobbyist programmer, and accountant by day still ploting my escape.
scott poulson-bryant
scott poulson-bryant
writer of books • founder of magazines • teacher of University of Michigan students • learner of things • listener of tracks • viewer of flicks • tired of everything
Liz Loveland
Liz Loveland
Historian & pro genealogist originally trained in anthropology & archaeology. Graduate/Postgraduate student. A few of my many research interests: slavery in the northern colonies/US, early modern era, women's history, African-American history, genocide.
Madame Hardy
Madame Hardy
Was mme_hardy on Twitter. I love gardening, sewing, and reading. Mostly reposts of other people's jokes and historical stuff.

Just thinking out loud.
Rebecca Schmitz
Rebecca Schmitz
California, Montana, Yellow Mustard
Eric Rauchway
Eric Rauchway
Historian. Florida man.
pfp by Daniel Mackie
Null field
Doug McCrae
Doug McCrae
C15–C18 European witch trials
Christopher Deutsch
Christopher Deutsch
Historian. Under contract: Beeftopia: The Red Meat Politics of Prosperity in Postwar America. Research postdoc at Mizzou. Views my own.
Modern Day Bartleby
Modern Day Bartleby
Former Clevelander, St Louisan, & San Franciscan now Tokyoite with umpteen interests. He/Him/They/Them all good.

Avatar Description - Left profile of white guy with glasses and scruffy beard. Behind him is the LAWSON convenience store sign