Jacqueline Antonovich

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Jacqueline Antonovich


Historian of medicine, gender, & politics in the American West. Creator & Executive Editor Emerita,
Love a little bit of good news
Britain's Labour Party is projected to win a historic landslide victory — knocking the Conservatives out after 14 years of power in a brutal wipeout
Labour Party To Win U.K. General Election, Exit Polls Showwww.huffpost.com The center-right Conservative Party has governed Britain for the past 14 years.
It could be a wonderful moment to have a nuanced convo about ability, if the media would, I don’t know, be responsible? Read a book? We only have a couple of images of FDR in a wheelchair because he had an agreement with the media that they wouldn’t print any! Because there was a fear that…
And although the image is supposed to refer to Biden’s mental capabilities, a walker is a mobility aid and uh, FDR ran the country just fine* with his wheelchair. *im not letting him off the hook for internment, though.
And although the image is supposed to refer to Biden’s mental capabilities, a walker is a mobility aid and uh, FDR ran the country just fine* with his wheelchair. *im not letting him off the hook for internment, though.
Oh, you thought this country was going to have a deeply nuanced conversation about age and ability? Bless your heart.
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
right wing think tanks are making thinly veiled threats of political violence, the Supreme Court has neutralized the regulatory power of broad swaths of government, and the fate of the executive branch depends on whether the 81 year old atop it can learn to breakdance or something. Happy July 4th
Oh, you thought this country was going to have a deeply nuanced conversation about age and ability? Bless your heart.
Hey guys, I found the one, we can stop looking now
Good sign for Christine, bad sign for the country.
In a 4th of July Eve miracle, the street cat that we named Spiro Agnew has returned to our back porch after months away
This is it.
I think what makes this difficult to discuss with any kind of rigor is that Biden staying in is bad and Biden dropping out is also bad! There are no good options available so we’re all flailing to figure out which bad thing is gonna be like 15% better than the worse thing
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." Happy 4th, y'all.
Please share: The UC, Riverside School of Public Policy is hiring this Fall up to 2 Asst. Professors who can conduct research & teaching on the politics of the policy process. Ad below. I'm the Search Chair and happy to answer questions (please email, no DMs). Policysky polisky sociology 🛟📈lawsky
Assistant Professor of Public Policyaprecruit.ucr.edu University of California, Riverside is hiring. Apply now!
I actually do not have a dog in this race, but I do think a lot of this "assassination" talk is weird misogynoir paternalism disguised as genuine concern.
I see the discourse has reached the "how likely is a presidential assassination, really?" stage. Happy almost birthday, America!
the difference been pundits who have spent too much time huffing gasoline and journalists who are actually thinking through this with seriousness is whether they think having a contentious, brokered convention is less problematic than just going with biden's elected successor.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy. www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
I just finished Chapter 5 of my book. Please clap. In the meantime, it's some well-earned R&R time this week, and then off to Scotland next week for vacation.
Sometimes, it's okay not to have a hot take on what should happen next. I'm keeping the main goal in mind and watching things play out.
I don't know what the right answer is, other than to commit ourselves to defeating Trump one way or another. My feelings on who our nom should be are starting to change, but it's above my pay grade. What I do know is that amid the Court's assault on democracy, the media are dangerously failing us.
"Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. " - Abigail Adam's, 1776
every time we get news abt clarence thomas being deeply unserious i think about him lying for years about his sister being a welfare queen who was indoctrinating her children into welfare dependency and the entire time she was working two jobs and her kids were either employed or still in school
Los Angeles agreed to pay a start-up company, AllHere, up to $6 million to develop Ed . . . But just two months [later] AllHere’s chief executive left her role, and the company furloughed most of its staff. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/u...
A.I. ‘Friend’ for Public School Students Falls Flatwww.nytimes.com Los Angeles schools hired a start-up to build an A.I. chatbot for parents and students. A few months later, the company collapsed.
This country has not come to terms with its misogyny, let alone its misogynoir.
Also this is why I don’t have any faith that things would be better with Harris or Big Gretch. I have no faith that this country will ever vote for a woman for president.
Genuinely hilarious that they threw down the "Presidents Are Kings" ruling 3 days before Independence Day.
Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.