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Dog, cat, baby, and houseplant enthusiast. Interested in the law, baking, coffee, and books. Probably not a time traveler. She/her
One of my favorite genres of post on here is a regular person listing all the stuff they got done today. I love that feeling where I'm well-rested and my brain is cooperating. I love getting to vicariously wash the dog, or pay the bills or finally make that one phone call we've been putting off!
From Ohio, went to college with actual Appalachian kids. Can confirm he's a poser.
JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
After a bad breakup, I once tried dating way outside my "type," because maybe I had bad instincts? I saw this one dude, like, twice before it was obvious he actually really sucked and I kind of got my confidence back. Well, he just proudly posted pictures of his new cybertruck on socials. 😂
Is now a good time to tell you I texted my family a picture of the toddler holding a menu and pretending to read it and order at brunch and my Grandma just sent me an email thanking me for taking her out to breakfast with us? Because that is also a thing that just happened.
I SHOULD be studying but my brain is on strike. As part of the negotiations, I'm letting it read Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay and it's an absolute treat. I might have to stay up to finish it tonight. In the dark. 😬
Behind almost every man who has his shit together and is doing impressive professional things for his age is a woman he occasionally turns to and asks things like "Wait, how old am I, again?"
I'm pregnant and need some minor accommodations for a test I'm taking soon (potty breaks between sections, the ability to stand up because I'm high risk for blood clots) & it's 4 pages of paperwork for my doctor and another 3 for me. Imagine how annoying having a permanent disability would be!
Okay so I realize that our US healthcare system sucks and is inaccessible and unaffordable to many people, but do the BidenParkinson's guys expect me to think they incredulously believe the president doesn't have regular checkups with a doctor and access to good medical care?
Got unexpectedly emotional looking for swim lessons for my little. I remember being separated from my mom, terrified, and forced to do things I wasn't ready for. I just read a class description where they describe that teaching method and how they absolutely DO NOT do that and just cried.
Replacing all the boxwoods from the default neighborhood landscaping package with drought tolerant pollinator attracting plants this weekend and that's it. That's the whole weekend. 🥵
My partner is on a pasta making kick and it is deeply awesome.
Reposted byAvatar Megan!
Isn't it interesting that they're trying to frame themselves as initiating *that* war instead of the Civil War? Wannabe Confederates still don't like being called what they are. Probably because it reminds them they lost the first time.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Reposted byAvatar Megan!
Reading logical reasoning problems out loud to the toddler actually knocked her out pretty quickly.
Sounds about right.
Aquarius: Everyone feels like they’re being pulled in two directions at one time or another. In your case, it will be by two horses running in opposite directions.
The toddler learned that touching her nose to your nose and giving it a little nuzzle will instantly melt any adult in the area into a puddle of coos and giggles. The incoming baby learned now that she's upside down, she can punch my cervix from the inside. I have adjusted the rankings accordingly.
Reposted byAvatar Megan!
If you read one of my posts and get mad that it doesn't apply to your specific personal experience, you should know that I did it on purpose. I considered every possible experience and reaction and left yours out. I work against you from the shadows and will continue doing so.
Making homelessness illegal isn't a solution to anything, it's just inhumane.
We're not supposed to give tiny kids screen time, but today was awful so I put on a David Attenborough documentary about colorful animals. When a cheetah showed up to stalk zebras my toddler yelled "cat!" and when it started to chase one she cheered for it, the bloodthirsty little gremlin.
Does anyone else's cat ever get real close to their face and then just... sniff your eyeball?
Children, especially daughters, are not a valid retirement plan.
Reposted byAvatar Megan!
sorry I didn’t reply to your text I was denying myself the balm of human social interaction because I had not yet completed the entire backlog of everything I ever told someone I’d do but ended up not having time for, in the whole span of my life
Came across the Instagram of a rock star everyone had a crush on in middle school and it's all just impeccably plated food he makes with captions like "eggs rule!" and "chicken pot pie" and this is exactly what my spouse would do with a social media account if he had to have one.
It may take me three days to pit two pounds of cherries, but I am going to make a cherry pie.
mRNA tech is really cool and doing some great stuff for humankind, but ALSO my elderly dog gets an mRNA based shot once a month that makes her arthritis go away enough that she feels like playing and even hopping around and that is the kind of future I was hoping to live in.
If something is wrong with my house, I have to call a man named Dave who either fixes it or calls someone to fix it. Dave is the worst. He always forgets to tell me they're coming so I perpetually look rough as hell when they arrive and I may or may not have the area they're working in clear.
At this many weeks, your baby is as big as: A graphing calculator A VHS of Disney's The Little Mermaid Kale The Beatles Guns, cigarettes
Reposted byAvatar Megan!
The Minnesota GOP-endorsed candidate to take on Amy Klobuchar recently posted a map purporting to show crime in Minneapolis. It was actually a map of drinking fountains. Ope!
The baby was screaming in the car so I... put on Choking Victim for her and she immediately calmed down. So now I'm thinking she needs a screamy music playlist. But maybe one with less crack, because I'm a "good mom."
The neighbors are in their front yard trying to wash vomit out of a car seat and I can't remember the last time I related so hard to anything.