Chris Ingraham

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Chris Ingraham

Reporter, Minnesota Reformer. Formerly Washington Post. "The cricket dumbass." Recently beat cancer. Orange cat enthusiast.
It’s wild how the political press does some much writing about peoples’ perceptions while hardly ever acknowledging they’re one of the main drivers of it.
News Analysis: When Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies, the U.S. was confronted with a historical novelty: a felon who once held the highest office in the land. Will the label actually tarnish Trump, as it has so many people over the centuries?
A Mark of Shame for 900 Years. Until Now? “Felon” carries an ancient stigma — one that falls on millions of Americans today. Trump might well redefine it.
"Politics would be interesting again" is such a telling phrase, a sign that you're so insulated by money and power that it's all just entertainment for you.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
The thing I kept thinking about last night is what kind of state either of those guys is gonna be in four years from now
Roberts, the man who dismissed basic mathematical facts about redistricting as "sociological gobbledygook"
Roberts, overruling Chevron with incredible and unearned hubris: "Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do."
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Ingraham
It is very funny how one of the Supreme Court’s big issues is making it impossible to outlaw bribery because they like being bribed
"We interviewed the 30 dumbest people in suburban Atlanta. Here's why it's important to coddle their views."
Mental health tip: If you come across an article that starts "We talked to a group of undecided swing-state voters..." immediately close that tab and look at pictures of puppies for a few minutes
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losing it at this part of a lawsuit brought by a former reporter at the marion county record (the kansas newspaper raided by cops last yr) against the former police chief and county attorney
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Inside me there are two wolves. This is not enough to control the deer population inside me, which is degrading the river ecology inside me. I’m attempting to release more wolves inside me to address this, but the ranchers inside me object, and
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"After Shari Stuart tried to explain that she has Stage 4 breast cancer and a weakened immune system, Stuart said the man called her a “f---ing liberal” and insisted masks were now illegal. He later coughed on her and said he hoped the cancer would kill her."
Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some Lawmakers in North Carolina and New York say mask bans in response to pro-Palestinian protests would not target medical mask wearing, but critics are skeptical.
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uk print media shops aren't workplaces, they're daycare for grabby drunk aristos and freakish strivers who couldn't make it in any other newsroom on the planet. their only job is calling their mums to ask their uncles at the exchequer what's going on with the PM. and they can't sue me for saying so
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"Sure, the robber barons were cruel and rapacious, but they ultimately gave away their fortunes to build schools and libraries" kind of falls apart when their great-grandson still has enough generational wealth to give $50M to a literal felon's presidential campaign.
Republican Party of Carver County, Minnesota, celebrates Flag Day with a salute to an AI flag containing 70+ stars and 15 stripes.
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From Reuters: The U.S. military launched a secret propaganda effort during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to cast doubt on China's lifesaving vaccine, essentially running an anti-vax campaign in the Philippines.
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For real though if I was a poor ass Toad living in the Mushroom Kingdom and saw Mario playing tennis with Bowser I’d be like “despite their pretend disagreements there really is only the uniparty”
Reposted byAvatar Chris Ingraham
Supreme Court Issues 'We Want Republicans To Be Competitive This November' Ruling, Uphold 'Pretend a Little While Longer' Precedent
The Minnesota GOP-endorsed candidate to take on Amy Klobuchar recently posted a map purporting to show crime in Minneapolis. It was actually a map of drinking fountains. Ope!
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Ingraham
In ruling that bong water is a drug mixture, the Minnesota Supreme Court justices relied, in part, on the testimony of a state patrol officer who claimed that drug users keep bong water “for future use… either drinking it or shooting it in the veins.”
Fargo woman facing 30 years in prison for bong water • Minnesota Last year the Legislature decriminalized drug paraphernalia, even if it contains drug residue. The change represented a step back from the drug war tactics of previous decades, with an eye toward trea...
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Twitter ad helpfully suggests pouring bleach directly into your HVAC system. It's not connected to any profile, so there's no way to block or report it.
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To fix the Washington Post, we've ordered a Piers Morgan from Temu
Reposted byAvatar Chris Ingraham
“She is not efficient,” said one attorney who practices in south Florida. “She is very form over substance.” Another attorney described her as “indecisive.” A third attorney who’s had cases before Cannon said, “She just seems overwhelmed by the process.”
Isolated and inexperienced: A portrait of the judge overseeing Trump’s documents case from veterans of her courtroom | CNN Judge Aileen Cannon had been on the federal bench for little more than a year when a senior judge offered to preside over one of her first criminal trials in her isolated south Florida courthouse.
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It's beautiful that the media has figured out they can alternate between "inflation down, possibly bad for jobs?" and "jobs up, possibly bad for inflation?" until America elects Trump again for them.
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It's pretty disgusting that editorships at major papers are going to UK reactionaries who are dumber than a bag of hammers, can't write their way out of a paper bag, view facts as threats to their ideology, and have the ethics of a hyena. They're taking jobs away from Bari Weiss and Bret Stephens.