
the first, second and third most important news stories this week are about the SCOTUS decision, and every columnist spending their time talking about biden old is telling you what they value. we don’t have to indulge them, though, stop your subs, stop clicking, stop talking about them.
i stopped clicking on NYT sometime around a year or two ago, down from "ok, i'll read this exclusive deep dive report" that i put in place in '16 if it weren't for Bouie, Krugman, and y'all reposting their stuff, i would never see it every outlet reports the big events anyways, and the in-depth...
stuff has been very inconsequential lately since they continually make editorial decisions that undo much of the reporting just stop giving them attention and money
Even absent all the fascist stuff, I read sometime in the last year that the NYT has a policy of, basically, stealing stories from other newspapers (not actually plagiarism but swiping the ideas, quotes and content) and not crediting because they’re just so much more important. Really turned me off
Losing massive amounts of respect for people I thought were above this sort of thing
I always assumed if a group wanted to overthrow US it would take some level of intelligence and skill. Instead it's just fucking dumb through and through.
Allways been like that . Nobody who ever overthrew a government via some form of coup was actually all that smart or competent afterwards.
yep. it's more chutzpah than anything else. Normal people are so taken aback they don't know how to respond. That's 80% of the problem. At least. Then you get bulldozed. Which is very much what's happened with the establishments. They tried to play by the rules and these fucks play Calvinball.
Basically they use the same techniques as any abusers (I like the term narcissistic abuse as it's specific and particularly apt, but not gonna go to the mat over it), only scaled up. It would behoove all of us to become much more savvy about this shit, i feel. How to spot it, how to respond.
to wit: the usual intimidation techniques, but also gaslighting and pre-emptive as well as after the fact DARVO are huge. Using third parties to triangulate and act as flying monkeys. Scapegoating. Manipulating vulnerable people with love bombing, then various cult techniques to keep em in line.
Imo, it's (narcissistic) abuse>cult> tyrannical regime. The only real difference is scale (and there are specifics to large scale that need more/different techniques than escaping a cult or individual relationship in the context of a larger democratic society)
Oh we’re were just discussing an old friend who’s now a preacher and observing how he has filled his FB timeline with pictures of birds, interspersed with sugar -coated racist, homophobic hate memes … all wrapped in unthinking quotes that predefine pushback as the protestations of sinners.
We're all living in a Coen Brothers movie.
It's not going starve them of clicks or subs or whatever, but it's enough for us to be able to think a little clearer. The alternative appears to be accepting that young people hate Joe Biden so much they're voting for Donald Trump just to be rid of him
Funny how one can cheer the SCOTUS decision even as Biden is supposedly *SOOO diminished*. If he was that loosey-goosey, I'd think there'd be more legit hand wringing It's almost like that line of attack is disingenuous bullshit.
R playbook ran out of pages. immigration, economy attacks fizzling. media has had symbiotic relationship with R outrage for a long time. the medias muscles have developed on their own enough its just instinct to run on their own.
THANK YOU!!!! I’m a subscriber, but I’ve taken a break from them since debate night. Never-trumpers & younger folks seem to be loudest voices. Stop talking about 1968, that was an unmitigated disaster. I’m w, Stuart Stevens, & Mike Madrid.
CNN is irredeemable garbage, as ever
The Heritage Foundation declaring war on its host nation might make story #3 imo
I am thinking: it was satisfying to cancel my WaPo subscription and write them an explanation as to why. Drop in the bucket but better than yelling at Net randoms. I think I want to scold more media people. Know of any outlets more accessible than others?