
here’s the fucking enraging thing about this: this is not what the newspapers and the magazines of the world are telling you. it’s not even a partisan thing to call this out. objectively, a second trump term means we all live in a different country than any of us have ever lived in. but, biden old.
there is no fucking “after” if trump wins again. there is america as we know it now, and there is post-america. that’s the choice. you aren’t voting for president, you are voting for the country you have always known, or one you’ve never known.
This is why is was surreal talking politics to someone gaming out the midterms after a Trump win or how to beat him in 2028. Like, my dude, the opposition will be dead, exiled, or in jail, barring a civil-war or the military overthrowing Trump and forming a crisis committee.
🔥🇺🇸🔥 Now on STEROIDS due to treasonous SCOTUS' Presidential immunity ruling.
Spoke to a guy yesterday who asked me who I am voting for —he’s undecided! — and he wanted to listen to the case for Biden and sort of weigh it as though we were chatting about a few points of marginal income tax rates. I disassociated with rage.
Like I wanted to ring this very earnest man’s neck! Which is not my usual approach to conversation.
Annoying as shit, agree with all
We are already in that new and different (and likely worse) world - just haven't realized it yet. The ink is barely dry on Trump v US, we will be seeing the fallout from it and Loper Bright for generations to come.
It’s as if the NYT wants us to know they hate fucked Hillary to the extent that loser Trump got elected, and they’re gonna show us we better r expect them, or they’ll do it again. Like a hot tempered dad that beats you, and gets mad that you don’t respect him, so he beats you more.