
there is no fucking “after” if trump wins again. there is america as we know it now, and there is post-america. that’s the choice. you aren’t voting for president, you are voting for the country you have always known, or one you’ve never known.
the fourth estate is fucking kneeling in advance and that is, i think, worth a lot more discourse than whether the only non-fascist in the race is an old man, which he is.
SCOTUS has granted trump, and trump specifically, a kingdom. this isn’t even in question. if trump wins, or trump seizes the presidency, we — all of us, you and i and everyone we know — we live in a different country that we do not know and will have to learn how to understand.
would really prefer not to have to learn that
like if biden/biden's corpse/harris wins, we get to keep trying to fix america if trump wins uhhh
Happy birthday, America. We got you a king. Hope you like it!
I have some hope b/c the immunity ruling is super unpopular, and I think it will wake more people up to what the far right is planning. A ton of people would vote for a rabid squirrel over Trump, and I don’t think anyone outside of his base wants to live in a country where he has unchecked power
Honestly, the best outcome is people realize that the immunity means what it says it means, and then they figure out that voting blue is the only way to stop the march of oligarchic kakistocracy. The Supreme Court made it legal for Trump to do what he wants to do, and now it's go time.
That some "Genocide Joe" people don't understand this is infuriating. "If the other guy wins, 1. You can't vote him out and 2. You can't protest it".
But they’ll get to have been morally right! That will matter so much to the zero people who give a fuck what they think.
People WILL protest, and they WILL get shot. And it won't be the assholes going "genocide joe", they'll just be congratulating themselves like when they voted for jill stein
Wasn't the whole point of putting up with all of the school shootings that they had options in that scenario?
No, they'll get to be morally stupid. Trump said in the debate that if he gets to be president, he will encourage Israel to "finish the job". His son-in-law is eyeing waterfront real estate in Gaza.
Dunno if you've seen how kids complaining about genocide has gone under Biden....
I have, but Trump isn't the solution. My take: * Protesting under Biden isn't working * Protesting under Trump won't only not work, your LGBTQ+ friends lose rights, all recent climate change progress gets wiped out and pollution regulation gets hugely weakened
Trump winning in November makes the US the same as Nazi Germany circa 1934, the number of similarities are huge. There were some pro-Hitler Jews early on too and that didn't work out for them.
Voting 3rd party might give them higher moral ground but for '34 German Jews I don't think they were claiming victory 8 years later. Gotta avoid the closest boulder before worrying about the one behind it.
To preface: Trump is the worse option. Protests against things either president disagrees with aren't a thing - we *already* have the autocratic protest-crushing dystopia thing happening, just not for things that matter as much to most people.
I’m sure things in Gaza will improve tremendously under the guy being backed by freaks who think that conflict can be used to bring about the apocalypse
Which is not to excuse Biden’s disgusting failure of policy in that area, but if you want a chance of things improving there, letting Trump make those decisions either by sitting it out or otherwise isn’t the answer
You're bleeding out and trying to reach a hospital. Do you cauterize the wound so you can make it or do you just bleed out because the thought of cauterizing it makes you uncomfortable?
They'll pretend it's still America. They'll wave the flag, talk about history, and go through the motions that don't get in the way of their power grab. This will allow most Americans to pretend it's business as usual while the country radically changes.
As ever, Leonard Cohen was right when he said "you are not going to like what comes after America".