
and, like, yes, i am on a tear, but YOU SHOULD BE MAD AS FUCK ABOUT THIS. YOU ARE NOT BEING INFORMED. YOU ARE BEING CONDESCENDED TO. and you have heard this before from people with foil on their heads but i swear to fucking god, this time, it is real.
here’s the fucking enraging thing about this: this is not what the newspapers and the magazines of the world are telling you. it’s not even a partisan thing to call this out. objectively, a second trump term means we all live in a different country than any of us have ever lived in. but, biden old.
SCOTUS enabled an imperial presidency that is indistinguishable from a kingship and did so in a way that, if he wins, *will not be undone without buckets of fucking blood* in our lifetime. you’re not hearing about that, but you should, and you should be fucking murderously angry that you aren’t.
And Trump has been accused of raping an underaged girl with zero US press coverage.