
if you did not know that the president now has unlimited authority to order the ATF or DHS or the FBI to execute your best friend for any reason and can then order the DOJ not to prosecute then, you can blame every fucking columnist who has written a piece about biden’s age since monday
SCOTUS enabled an imperial presidency that is indistinguishable from a kingship and did so in a way that, if he wins, *will not be undone without buckets of fucking blood* in our lifetime. you’re not hearing about that, but you should, and you should be fucking murderously angry that you aren’t.
trump could order the army — not the national guard, but the fucking army — to roll tanks down my street, or your street or every fucking street in america, on whatever “official act” premise he wanted and it would be legal. this is not hyperbole. it also isn’t a concern for columnists.
i imagine columnists will be protecting their own asses from being locked up when the *inevitable* election of trump happens...
the imperial presidency is fucking here, man. it’s here, it’s already done. who do we trust with it.
somewhere down below Antonin Scalia is cackling like a hyena
That's already been the case for ages if your best friend is a dog
I think the most likely scenario we will see under Trump in this vein is mass kidnappings of suspected illegal immigrants and homeless. Traditionally this sort of power is used against those with the least power, and they probably won't jump to murder first
Plus Trump has been pretty explicit on his plans for said groups involve mass relocations. Doesnt get as much media coverage as it deserves. That said Trump has also explicitly called for legalizing the execution of drug dealers while praising their illegal executions in the Philippines, so...
blame isnt good enough I need to see them suffer the consequences of what they helped bring about and then decry their own decision
The columnists are the far smaller part of the problem: it's the fucking editors and publishers of the national dailies that are wallpapering the front pages with Biden's age, and "SCOTUS made a decision: Pg. A18" in the lower right corner
if i didn't know any better, i would think this was a coordinated effort with sulzbuger, leo et al and the fab fascists of SCOTUS... tho, they've probably never met...
man, the people going "of course he can't, there's this law". oh yes? take it up with the court after thousands are dead