
anyway, i don’t know what biden should do about the campaign. no one else does, either. but there’s not been enough discussion about whether powering through, bad press be damned, could also work, even though that has worked for him many, many times in his long political career.
his career has been defined by saying something that would normally doom another politician and then just slamming the gas and leaving it in the rearview, rather than getting personally bogged down in it, which is a trait he funnily enough shares with the younger progressive dems.
If Biden wins are we allowed to tie ol’ AG to a car and drag him behind all the way to Times Square?
Well and his rival for the election.
sort of, but not really, trump gets completely fixated on shit all the time, too
The whole thing is an embarrassment, frankly, and I can think of no story less compelling than "which selfish old man should win the popularity contest".
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Corn Pop
Obviously what he should do is some Amtrak related stunt to demonstrate that he still has Got It and also to pander to me personally.
I mean, sure, but then the press will continue to be hostile to him! (As opposed to him stepping down and the press immediately being deferential to Candidate Kamala Harris as will certainly come to pass /s)
I suspect the campaign is hoping the upcoming interview will do a lot of work and count as “the thing” that turns the discourse, but the stubbornness of media to ignore every other event so far is giving me doubt. If he flubs the interview I could see a dam breaking
That’s the crux of the thing, nobody knows for sure.
I am fine with him stepping aside for Harris or powering through so long as the campaign starts getting more aggressive. Because what they are doing doesn’t seem to be working, and his pusillanimity in the face of what the court did last week is not inspiring confidence.
He looked like toast before the SC primary in 2020, so there's definitely something to this