
you could easily find this part in any conservative publication today, over 30 years later
This is the 1993 newsletter.
They might take out the "emerging democracies" bit, either because "emerging" was awhile ago or because they no longer pretend to care about democracies (but not because they're honest about the lack of democracy in Putin's Russia and Orban's ambitions for Hungary). Other than that, stet.
I feel like the main difference is that they kept these people further away from the official platform before obama
Laughing at Nixon being called dynamic yet flawed.
Yeah, those tactics still work decades later. Same as it ever was. FFS
Meanwhile in Ukraine now they're mostly like "Thanks for coming to help. We don't care if you're gayer than a three-dollar bill, we just wanna know if you can effectively shoot Russians."
Especially since they've seen their share of useless posturing right-wing gung-ho American volunteers who can't follow orders, give bad advice, and are more likely to shoot themselves in the foot than any logical targets.
Ha. Man, the Commonwealth of Independent States. Blast from the past! But yeah I feel sorry for anybody then or now who thinks Russians are all about the Bible lol.
You gotta give ‘em Poland and Hungary I guess. But those places were ALWAYS more Catholic than they were Communist. East Germany sure as hell didn’t turn to Christ and neither did the Russkies.
Poland was deeply religious, Hungary wasn't and still isn't. Worse still due to the vulture capitalism that entered from the good ol us of a, my generation was left with deep sitting scars and a general distrust against Americans. If you're looking to explain why polled Hungarians support russia
American Conservatism is an ideology utterly and completely stuck in time.
Surprisingly unreported then and now. Because these are useful minions.
CIS is literally Russian NATO
It's more comecon 2.0 than NATO to be honest. Even if it were purely military it's closer to the Warsaw pact seeing how they still invade their own members
Oliver North Interview Hell yeah