
Feel like trying to do Gamergate again ignores that the potency of the first one was that gaming was for whatever reason coded as vaguely socially liberal so they could pretend to be like “even the chill, apolitical gamer is sick of feminists!” Anyway now all those guys are Holocaust deniers.
It wasn't potent. It was a total failure.
It created the entire infrastructure for organized harassment campaigns and cynical stoking of culture war pig slop in service of far-right politics that continues to this day
"It wasn't potent, it merely launched the careers of Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, and others like them"
It wasn't the origin point for that and even if It was consider that its managed to trick these guys into thinking behaving as antisocially as possible while raging against video games that sell multiple millions of copies. They're fucking losers!
Of course they’re losers, but that loserdom keeps running up against the utter unpreparedness of liberal institutions and eroding it a little more each time
I know this isn't your fault and I'm sorry i'm coming across as aggressive I just don't understand why people think GG1 was a success in any dimension. I didn't achieve It's stated goals. It didn't even achieve It's tertiary goals. The industry carried on exactly as it did had it not been there.
You’re not coming off as aggressive, don’t worry about it, I think its value to the reactionary project has been far more in terms of the gleeful nastiness animating it and how that’s now applied to everything they do than any actual goals in terms of the game industry
Why do you believe those people, of all people, when they state their goals? Do they strike you as reliable, trustworthy, honest, objective, or reliable? Do you believe all of their statements or only the goal ones? How do you pick which ones to believe?
I don't believe them as much as I think It's been a major propaganda boon for these guys that Libs think their behavior has been effective and not detrimental.
"Effective" and "detrimental" mean nothing without answering the question "to what end?" As we both believe their stated goals are not credible, then we both know that not having reached those goals is not a failure. So, how have they been ineffective?
It’s less about the goals and more about the playbook they developed from it. Unashamedly lying, loudly and repeatedly, works at framing the argument in the media. Their misogynistic bullshit was given credence.
Your mistake here is thinking the success relates to the gaming industry. It doesn't. The success is that it allowed far-right lunatics to gain platforms that they went on to use to spread bigotry, extremely successfully so.
Because Gamer Gate's stated goal was a lie? They had no interest in video game journalistic ethics, they just wanted to harass women and queers online, and they did quite peachy at that. Hard to see that they failed in driving women out of the hobby, especially out of control of any online spaces.
It seemed akin to 4chan antics to me.
4chan antics as applied to public policy.
The fact that they're fucking losers doesn't remove the tangible negative influence they have on society.
Gamergate was the blueprint for the entire alt-right movement. Same public communications style, organization points, recruitment model, even many of the same principal actors involved. It is one of the most clear and obvious origin/progressions that you can find in modern politics.
the other one is the Russian exploration, bot farming, troll training and purge of Livejournal which came in waves from about 2006. They tested and learned, and developed strategies, which they then deployed in wider spaces where people couldn't or wouldn't just shrug them off.
youre right that these dudes are losers and dont achieve what they think they want, but theyre wielded by people who arent losers to drag the rest of the world down to their level sure, theyll never get their apolitical 7/10 PS2 hack n slash back, but they created an authoritarian cultic milleu