This is the ball game folks, the authoritarian green light laid out in advance. Congress will not impeach Trump. And SCOTUS now blesses him with extraordinary latitude to do whatever he wants in power. A second administration will not be constrained by Congress, the courts, the bureaucracy or law.
Trump, who tried to overthrow an election, campaigned persistently for his fellow party members to grant him absolute immunity for his misdeeds in office. And they did. If you can't distinguish between "energy in the executive" and a constitutional crime spree, you've given up on US democracy.
The Court has saved Trump, kneecapped Smith, and set up the conditions for an elective monarchy.
Just needs a handful.
Reminder: Trump pardoned literal war criminals. One's actions were so bad that some of his fellow SEALs testified against him, which pretty much never happens. And Fox News then treated the pardoned criminals as heroes. Thinking this every time I see "but the military won't follow illegal orders."
Trump pardons servicemembers in high profile war crimes Donald Trump granted pardons to Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance and Maj. Mathew Golsteyn. He reversed a demotion of Edward Gallagher, a Navy Seal.
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Many states have a form of litigation privilege that effectively says "things you say in court documents can't be considered defamatory." But don't know the extent to which those apply here.
I have a long held belief that conservatives cannot understand narrative and have no ability to deconstruct story whatsoever. It’s like some kind of universal comprehension barrier that they all share. Talking to them about literally any piece of media is actually a stunning experience.
It created the entire infrastructure for organized harassment campaigns and cynical stoking of culture war pig slop in service of far-right politics that continues to this day
Feel like trying to do Gamergate again ignores that the potency of the first one was that gaming was for whatever reason coded as vaguely socially liberal so they could pretend to be like “even the chill, apolitical gamer is sick of feminists!” Anyway now all those guys are Holocaust deniers.
If you could find these kinds of statistics for drag queens there would be a bipartisan liquidation bill
1,800 cops charged with child sexual abuse in the last two decades, targeting mainly teen girls they encountered as a part of their work, according to the Washington Post. The Post leads with the story of a teen girl assaulted by a cop who was processing her rape kit from a different assault.
The inability of med school professors and residency supervisors to provide practical abortion training is a key academic freedom issue of the post-Dobbs era, one that's drawn little attention from traditional academic freedom groups. That should change.
Medical Students Fought to Get Training in Abortion Care. Then Came ‘Dobbs.’ How are they — and other health-care professionals — learning it now?
i would argue that paying a bunch of money to be shamelessly ripped off when you think you’re going to see something wonderful is, actually, fairly true to the canonical Willy Wonka experience
Whenever one of these Atlantic ghouls tries to imitate what they guess Serious Thinking must be, it's like watching Vincent D'Onofrio as the bug in the skin suit
The Supreme Court's action in the election conspiracy case is indefensible. But the biggest tragedy is the documents case. Trump is dead to rights on a clear, easily understandable and morally intuitive crime, and the case will never go anywhere because the judge is a hack.
Anyway, for folks who don't really know those people, first of all, congrats on missing them the first time round, but elevating this particular selection of fascist goblins to those positions would make the *baseline* in Term2 orders of magnitude worse than the worse impulses of their first term
Vote (or don’t!) for who you want but the advice I’ve found most helpful is to vote for your easier target — you’re not picking who you like, you’re picking who is even slightly more persuadable. And having spent years yelling at both Trump and Biden, I’ve only seen Biden move on any of it.
forgot to never post about anything I have feelings about! Will do better! Listening and learning!
Once again I propose that we replace all instances of "defund the police" with "the fuck are we paying these guys for"
I'd love to see police compensation in real dollars charted next to this, to show exactly how much we're paying for a "service" this bad.
um sir my question was about the earned income tax credit
the problem now is I'm just gonna want to feel this dead war criminal tingle all the time
bookmarking because sometimes people ask me what bluesky’s like
The pitch: A desperate billionaire realizes the death of former statesmen is the only thing keeping his struggling social media platform popular.…
I hope this is how you're finding out that Senator Wyden introduced the Billionaire's Income Tax today (more info for the policy heads here
Behind the bitter and boring fights about telling the public to keep voting harder to save democracy, there's the fact that the people we vote for chronically, systematically refuse to use their actual powers to defend the republic
they should throw leonard leo in jail for contempt of congress
To the extent literacy means the capacity to understand HUMAN speech, I would say most places.
End of feed.