
I know Whedon doesn’t have a leg to stand on but the three guys from Buffy who made a sex bot really predicted every annoying nerd in 2024
The “anti woke” star wars fans have pivoted from “the acolyte ruined star wars” to “the girls were too good at fighting in the cool lightsaber battle” which is kind of an admission of defeat
The franchises may change, but annoying sexist nerds remain eternal
Notably, that season was mostly written by Marti Noxon while Joss was off developing/writing Firefly, lest anyone think Joss Whedon was capable of that kind of introspection.
He's knows that crowd well because he is one of them.
I was just saying elsewhere that he predicted the next great evil of our society with, like, pinpoint precision. It is damned impressive.
Dr. Horrible is likewise a pretty spot-on portrayal of a type of resentful incel that would become unfortunately more prominent. The way he’s presented so sympathetically is not great in light of the later revelations about Whedon…
There was a lot of dislike for those characters in the fandom at the time--people wanted Buffy to fight another elder god or whatever--but in retrospect they were the show's scariest baddies
He doesn't have a leg to stand on because he's too busy looking at and filming close ups of its feet