
The “anti woke” star wars fans have pivoted from “the acolyte ruined star wars” to “the girls were too good at fighting in the cool lightsaber battle” which is kind of an admission of defeat
Or they are review bombing The Boys for making direct fun of them.
“Guys guys you are missing the point it’s all about ethics in game review journalism”-find and replace a few words, same thing
Much like when they review bombed She-Hulk for making direct fun of them.
That show was so fucking cathartic
It’s so amazing and unsurprising they didn’t realise the Boys was pretty woke and not actually good for them
That assumes they have enough media literacy to understand they’re being made fun of and homelander isn’t the good guy
They are finally waking up to “the woke” and they are super pissed
"you expect me to believe she can fight?!" as a puppet flips around in multiple movies
I’m equally glad that both the worst people are mad and miserable, and that they were able to light the nighttime forest fight/chase scene so well.
Light in the darkness, in both cases one muses.
They filmed nighttime action so much better than Game of Thrones ever did.
Harsh on “Blackwater”, that. The episodes not shot by Marshall and McCurdy I’ll give you
What I've gathered from the past ten years is that there's a formula of saying "poorly written" which seems to mean "the characters didn't do what I want, so that's bad writing. But you can't call me a bigot, this is genuine dramatic criticism. Terrible directing making them act like that!"
Exactly, "bad writing" has just become a euphemism that the man-babies use to say 'I didn't like that the main character was female/black/LGBT'. These guys didn't have boo to say about the writing back when the main characters were all white men.
The show is way less left wing than Andor, but a complete lack of media literacy means they can only read things in terms of demographic representation—the acolyte has minimal politics to speak of by comparison, but fewer white men ergo it’s “woke”
Yeah, "woke" just means "not white"
Yeah, for sure, I don't think most of the guys complaining are very sophisticated in their political understanding. They're just self-centered.
You could easily frame the acolyte in a way that fits their worldview - "nanny state liberal Republic is trampling on the rights of innocent force users, who are analogous to gun owners in my reading" It's not a read I'd endorse but it's possible. Instead they're just "ew girls and nonwhite people"
well, "woke" is ~meaningless so why not?
It's kinda amazing how many people are so eager to be rage-farmed for clicks/watches. When something makes me angry to watch it - or bored, or anything that's not enjoyment - I simply stop watching it and do something, anything, else. A lot of suckers just want to be mad I guess.
Yeah, for the rage-farming shitlords it absolutely is. The whole "conservative" ecosystem relies on it. I just find it... predictably sad how many rubes - people who aren't getting paid for it - are so eager to fall right into the trap and make the business model viable.
arguable how sustainable long term
Exactly. The idea that you'd watch all the pre-publicity, conclude that it's not for you, then watch it anyway and complain that it's not for you seems perverse
And then KEEP watching it! It's nonsensical. I'm a big Star Trek fan. When I realized I wasn't enjoying ST: Discovery I just stopped watching. There's no one holding a gun to my head forcing me to watch things I don't like. There's no law that says I need to keep watching some company's product.
If I watch any kind of tevee show deep dive analysis on the youtube, I then become inundated with all these negative reviews n such. If I then click on any of those it leads directly to manosphere videos. It's like 4 degrees from deep dives to the liver king.
That's how I feel about horror movies. I don't get it.
You give them too much credit. They haven't watched any of the things they're critiquing. I remember seeing a review of the Fallout show where a guy got so angry at stuff that would only appear to be true if you read the wiki summary of an episode but hadn't watched the whole thing yourself.
That hit of dunk-post dopamine is hard to resist.
Maybe for some people, but I get nothing from torturing myself. When I realize I'm not enjoying watching a thing I just stop, and do literally anything else. There's no law that says I have to watch the next installment of some corporate product I don't like anymore.
I guess I was thinking more of hate posting on social media or watching those "can you believe this asshole" videos - I find myself getting sucked into that sometimes.
I guess enough time has elapsed that we're on third generation superfan self-parodies who don't even know about the pioneering, miserable choads who preceded them.
The Shatner “Get A Life” SNL skit was in 1986.
The knowledge that the generation of miserable haters several iterations before ours /hated/ Empire Strikes Back is mostly lost to history.
God help them if they ever realize Leia was the only one who actually hit the Stormtroopers she shot at.
Leia's thirst for blood is consistently underrated and also very easy to understand.
“Cool Lightsaber battles are bad actually, because of woke”
The rejects have been review bombing it since before the show even started... you can find IMDB reviews that predate the actual show and are just complaining about LGBTQ+ or some other stupid shit.
That ratio tells you a whole lot.
I was wondering what the complaint would be about this episode. Of course its girls can’t fight. They’re like 10 year children.
"They could've used the energy they spent making Girls look Cool and made the Guys look Cool some more instead! Or make the Lizards look Cool! Or make the Can Openers look Cool!"
So is the show worth the watch (once we're done with The Bear, of course).
The writing is not so good but if you are just looking for fun space opera schlock i recommend
My two-episodes-in review is that the show is fun (with some very cool action) and that the dialogue shuttles the characters from set piece to set piece with very little fuss. I'll watch it at the end of the day after the rest of the house is asleep and be happy to do so!
Some of the dialogue is a little clunky, but other than that it’s very very good.