
I maintain that Boston drivers aren’t bad, they’re spiteful.
they're very skilled and, more than that, extremely creative
other drivers will ask "is that a lane" and look to lane markings or some such. Boston drivers will ask "COULD that be a lane" and answer "yes, fuck your lane markings"
Other drivers: i should use my turn signals to communicate where i intend to go Boston drivers: you FOOL, all warfare is based on deception
*BLINK* Once is happenstance. *BLINK* Twice is coincidence. *BLINK* Three times is enemy action!
All driving is war by other means Now watch closely as i brake check this semi truck
The supreme art of driving is to signal without turning.
When you cut off a foe’s vehicle, leave an outlet free. Do not tailgate a desperate commuter too closely
Zen and the Art of BAMA* Driving.” *Boston-Atlanta Metropolitan Axis.
Deleted, I reversed what you said in my brain. It wasn’t funny anymore.
But it led me to a funny, if obscure joke, so all is forgiven.
when I drove a lot I developed an elaborate theory of how to manipulate other drivers to minimize my travel time and risk of citation based on the principles of ninjutsu. if only I was kidding about this. it was also an important part of the genesis of the ideas behind my company.
Wait really? Im so curious, tell me more
well ok so first: cops are looking for outliers, so you always want to be the second slowest car on the road. therefore, you should find a car that wants to go fast and goad them into going faster and faster trying to pass you, so you can always be slightly slower than them
in order to do this you have to know what those other drivers want, which ones are desperate to pass you and can be goaded into accelerating ever faster even when that serves them no real purpose; thinking about that is how I realized that driving was primarily a theory of mind task
I should say that writing this up right now I really feel very bad about it. I was trying to fit in with california car culture and also was young and stupid, I blame society.
you can really figure out, with other drivers, what their theory of the road is. maybe they're just blasting through, but more often they have some cockamamie theory like "if I get in front of the cars I will get there sooner" or "if I have a car behind me cops can't see me"; it is obvious
it's called "chasing the bunny" you don't want to ever be the bunny kind of like the opposite of that joke about the bear
Do you mean second fastest? I always waited for leadfoot drivers to take the lead and then followed them going 3-5 mph slower on the theory that what matters the most is how much the fastest car stands out from traffic
Also, if they’re going faster than you, they close on the speed trap more quickly.
What do you mean by principles of ninjutsu?