
I’m broke but I can tell you as I approach my first wedding anniversary after spending somewhere in the area of $6k ($4k on dinner at my fave restaurant) that the whole post is worth paying for. Weddings do not need to be expensive!
"The Perfect Wedding is a demon who targets women’s insecurity, their instinct to steal glances around the room at what other women are doing. He must be exorcized at all costs." - writes on the absurdity of costly weddings.
You don’t have to do any of You don’t need to get married like a rich person
I got married at the courthouse with whoever lived close at the time as witnesses and we all had a lovely dinner after. All it cost was the fee for the license. Been married over 10 years! If someone wants all the pomp, go for it, but it is absolutely not required!
I wanted a little bit more, so I knew it would have costs, but if I had opted out of the restaurant dinner, I would have gotten away with a backyard wedding with professional photography for about $2.5k.
I’d love to see more people talking about the how you can have a beautiful, or fun, or whatever you want, wedding without paying an excessive amount because it’s very doable!
The most expensive part was the photographer, and I didn’t mind one bit. Especially as a Black woman, I wanted to have properly taken photos of the day. I will say that I got the custom suit as a gift, so I didn’t have to worry.
i highly recommend a well-managed elopement.
Perfect! I knew if we waited until we could afford it, we’d be waiting years. I have to think that may be the case for a lot of people not wanting to go into debt. We were young, new parents, just trying to start our lives. We had very little and ultimately felt that’s not where our $ should go.