rax king

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rax king


L-A-T-E-R that week
a really good way to make a lady author think ‘wow! what a stud this guy is. i’m intrigued and aroused!’ is to email her about a grammar problem you think you found in her book
the Yuki episode of pen15 fucks my shit up every time man
ok but this time around we’re not gonna do hundreds of articles like ‘i, an avowed liberal, spent a weekend with trump supporters — and found we weren’t so different after all.’ right. right
not to be a bitch but i really feel like being a bitch
what are some of your favorite reviews? can be of films, music, restaurants, books, whatever
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this is great, you should read it
i wrote for hell world about how sometimes sobriety means being a BIGGER and MORE EXPANSIVE fuck up
Reposted byAvatar rax king
It is so difficult to get outsiders to understand what addiction is like, but this explanation here - wherein all roads lead to alcohol - is as good as you will find. (My own is that it is like doing a worksheet of 100 different math problems and putting the same answer for all of them.)
i wrote for hell world about how sometimes sobriety means being a BIGGER and MORE EXPANSIVE fuck up
i wrote for hell world about how sometimes sobriety means being a BIGGER and MORE EXPANSIVE fuck up
Today @raxkingisdead.bsky.social returns with a funny and moving piece about sobriety and how you don't have to stop being a scumbag just because you stopped drinking. www.welcometohellworld.com/i-dont-want-...
I don’t want nothing anymorewww.welcometohellworld.com I want everything
for my husband’s bday i’m setting up a trip upstate to see our friends who we haven’t seen in ages. but i want the trip to be a surprise, AND it isn’t happening til two weeks after the birthday. what’s a cute way i can set up this mystery surprise on the day
man i wish we lived in a world where instead of being a power mad despot donald trump did nothing but make bitchy little remarks about famous people because nobody does it better
What I take from this is that Trump was a fan of ER
Reposted byAvatar rax king
pen15 should be remembered adoringly way more than it is imo
my block has had the same guys doing construction on it for weeks and today as i’m coming home from the hair salon one of the guys goes ‘haircut looks great mama!’ lol
my kingdom for the unrestrained glee of hearing a teacher do a swear
i love watching couples do their little goofs. lady on the train keeps whacking her man with a sunflower while he pretends to cower in fear. good stuff man
im getting buff from playing the banjo lowkey. which is kind of worrisome actually because how weak were my arms if this is something they found strenuous
how can i find a phone owner whose phone i found? it’s locked so there’s nothing on it that’s visible to me abt who the person is or whatever
FIREWORKS: - boring - stinky - frightening for animals and babies BONFIRE - pleasant as shit - delicious campfire smell - the enterprising attendee can enjoy a weenies-and-s’mores feast fit for a king
I saw a Big Bonfire yesterday instead of fireworks and we should definitely start doing that instead
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like you never see people ENJOYING their fireworks, past the first couple rounds. they just stand there grim-faced setting off one after another like it’s this undesirable chore
i could get on board with the people who love to set off hours upon hours of fireworks despite the fact that it annoys the shit out of everyone not involved in setting them off…if it was actually fun to do. fireworks aren’t that fun! get your illegal-shit jollies doing something else!
yesterday was the funnest 4th i’ve ever had and it’s really not even that close
i like having a record player for all the usual cornball music nerd reasons but also because ‘one side of a record’ is a perfect timer. doing all the dishes takes about one side of a record, so does catching up on emails. it’s the ideal amount of time to work OR procrastinate!
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the circe/jamie match started in such a conventional manner, but wow; what a twist!
business idea: game of thrones professional wrestling. each wrestler’s persona is a character and every night different combinations of them beat the shit out of each other
business idea: game of thrones professional wrestling. each wrestler’s persona is a character and every night different combinations of them beat the shit out of each other
euron is such a blight on game of thrones, my god. uncle wild card is here! all hopped up on mountain dew and ready to rock!
no one ever talks about the people who have the hardest lives of all (beautiful busty 5’2” women)
southern new hampshire university commercial: S.N.H.U. me at home: snuu
me: i guess that’s why they call it penile tuesday sean: me: i said i guess that’s why they call it— sean: i heard you