
People are responding to this with equivocation about what Hillary could have done better, and I just want to be clear that today I will block you for that. She told us the cost and a lot of people refused to believe her. That’s who I’m talking about. If it’s not you, keep stepping.
Also, and this is just personal, I’m never forgiving anyone who equivocated about our choices in 2016. Not a single one. I will hate you in life and haunt you in death.
This is why I get so mad at the RBG finger pointing. Placing a collective failure and the consequences on one woman's decision is... a look
The honest truth is that we are in an inevitable tug of war over power, and right at this moment, we see the same people trying to replace Sotomayor ASAP because we never learn from anything—this system cannot work for us as long as we battle on these terms
Yeah, it just seems like ritual thinking. "If we do x single action things will work out and we can ignore the millions strong political movement in opposition"
Not just that, but it’s clear from as far back as trying to place Bork on the court that the opposition had a strategic plan to take it over, and were actively coordinating to make it possible. The only way to stop this would have been to fight back from the start. Worrying about RBG was too late!
Yeah - you can be mad at what Hillary could have done to win other people’s votes, sure. But for your own? That’s between you and your god.
Agreed. Today is not the day. And, to be blunt, none of us have time machines. We can't change the past. We must look to the future.
You can tell how angry I am when I don't use any swears.
Kaitlin, you’re the best. Thank you.