
It might be true that she didn’t have the greatest showing in 2019/2020, but it is almost certainly true that many of the people trying to ignore or diminish Kamala Harris never gave her a fair look
She's vetted, she's got name recognition, she makes the most sense. Let's do it.
She wiped the floor with Pence in the debates. We like good debate performance here, right? Right?
It’s better than a bad debate performance, but it doesn’t mean much
Oh I totally get it. I was referring to this place falling apart bc of Bidens bad debate performance, while also refusing to even acknowledge the existence of his VP, who had great debate performance, if that's their measuring stick now.
And who the fuck is T’s VP? there isn’t one to even debate! she should be doing TV debates with just her and some friend of hers wearing a red hat for the evening, for fun
Maybe the fly is still available to debate again
the jokes about her demeanor irk me most, honestly. (Especially the "drugged out" ones.) In any other situation we'd just chalk that up to personality.
The jokes about her personality really bother me. She has rich auntie energy and we love that for her. And she loves being herself; you can tell. There’s not much room to be inauthentic with the tightrope she’s on.
She's very much every bougie Black lady that I've grown up around lol. So color me confused every time someone's calling her high or air headed and she's just... laughing.
We have a framework for her and our expectations, and most white people don’t. I got blasted for not acting like I “should” so much as a Black girl that I can see how it’s happening to her for failing to be what they want
working in corporate, I have been told I smile/laugh too much. So yep. I see this in exactly the same way.
She was a good Attorney General for California. That’s why I voted for her for the senate. She had some good moments in the senate which made the news. I don’t understand why she is viewed the way she is now.
It seems like she was bad at managing her campaign apparatus. Which is more akin to governing than debate performance etc. for what it’s worth.
That is one of the reasons she didn’t get to the primaries…but at the same time she’s had four years next to the beating heart of the federal government, so maybe she’s learned and adapted? I just don’t think people are static.
I think a lot of it was after many years of one or two alternatives in D primaries there was a huge field with an option for every type of D-leaning politics nerd, and she was kind of sharing the pragmatic-coalition-builder lane with Biden with a far greener campaign team
She didn’t run a good race. There are plenty of candidates who don’t have great campaigns who are nonetheless excellent in the job.
Ironically, this is true of Biden, who lost multiple primaries!
I mean she NEEDS to run a good race if the baton is handed off here. We can lament the political system we have, but we'll succeed or fail in it, and we'll do one or the other soon. I think she's the better option FWIW.
I completely allow for that. I think she is the best option if we throw Biden overboard because the NYT told us to do so.
there are tens of millions of people who don’t follow the news and “VP” has a certain power that no one else can claim. panicking about the incumbents instead of focusing on what the country needs and the threat of the opponent is political malpractice.
“Vote blue no matter who! … Wait… What are you doing? … No!No not Kamala Harris!!”
Biden himself was once a failed candidate!