
It’s so funny too that so much is being made of replacing Biden, like he has no possible alternative (except his elected successor, validated by the same process that made him president), when Republicans are Fucked if anything at all happens to Trump.
I was really thinking about this earlier too. Trump took no part of the primaries due to court and basically that just proved that the people running in the party could not get away with saying the fucked up things Trump does. It was a very clear choice the voters made.
That succession crisis will be all four seasons of the show, the McCarthy Speakership debacle, and the failed weeks of negotiation to replace him all mixed together with POTUS cycle antics. It will be glorious.
I would trade one of my legs in exchange for Trump kicking it before he’s had a chance to name a VP
I genuinely would love to see it, like no matter what it would be glorious as the vultures fight for scraps
At that point I legitmentaly would get out a bottle of port and would pay for sport commentators, because it will deserve it
And literally no one would be surprised if Trump died tomorrow (well, except for the people who think he's literally Jesus). Pick any number of causes of death, and they'd all be plausible.
Every accusation a confession~
I think the worst part is they know that and they're risking it all for this short term play even though the mental decline is clearly happening to him too but he's rambling his way around questions so they're just going with it.
I hope anything at all (bad) happens to Trump
And God willing something DOES happen, because I'm becoming a total atheist about this whole demented, freakin' deal.