
there will be a non-zero number of people watching this who will come away from this believing that this might be true and you can lay it directly at tapper and bash’s feet
wait did trump just say that democratic states allow after-birth abortion
In fairness: it is really, REALLY also on Joe Biden
Yes he wasn't properly prepped to deal with semi-rational Trump
this isn’t semi rational, almost everything he has said is a fucking lie
True but he appears rational.
It's substance vs. style. Trump is a firehose of lies and half-cooked ideas but he talks convincingly. Biden has mostly been solid on style but he's talking fast, almost scripted, and stumbling. He simply can't effectively counter all of Trump's lies.
I should say Biden has been solid on policy/substance
But he sounds terrible. His voice is so weak. He needs a lozenge or something. Does he have the flu?
I wish they *had* "jacked him up."
I just read that his comms team says he has a cold.
Right, he doesn't sound great, and he's been stuttering more than usual but if you look at the actual content he's a hell of a lot more rational than Trump! Trump is literally spewing bullshit but he says it convincingly.
Oh, absolutely. And just looking at Trump's mugging reminds me of a spoiled 8 year old, all grown up (or at least aged).
Which is and always has been his entire shtick. It's not like he just started doing that. Biden doesn't have the energy for this.
Biden would have benefited tonight from a less is more strategy I think. As he's gone on his answers have become a little tighter, which is why I think he's improved.
He was never going to be able to combat the firehose of Trump lies. But in the last 30 minutes or so he's landed some good punches back and made some concise policy arguments.
He's gotten better, but he hasn't done nearly enough to fight back against the misinformation from Trump imo. He's also just sounded tired and stumbled a lot. It's been rough. It is what it is I guess.
Almost impossible though! You just heard 10 lies from Trump. You have a minute to respond. How do you do that? There's maybe a handful of politicians who could do that. Biden has been better lately by picking 1 or 2 lies and punching back.
You can't, nor should you try to, rebut every lie. That makes it all about him & his agenda. Rebut 1 or 2, then make your own points. He does sound sick; apparently he is, he has a cold.
Yes he was trying to jam too much into too little time at first and it got rushed and scrambled.
Yup. I'm not in a position to criticize his comms team and strategy, but it seemed like he was reaching/struggling to hit the talking points he was prepped for.
that made a lot more sense in the first 15 minutes than it does over an hour in