boymoder islamic liberation front

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boymoder islamic liberation front

It is always at its own risk that Utopia becomes revolution, and philosophical protest becomes armed protest, and from Minerva turns to Pallas | Go Canes
drennen is the best big voice on twitter/bsky for us precisely because she is a lib who worked on dem campaigns and thus understands politics rather than thinking a democratic governor is going to sign the fifth "genocide trans people act" passed in arizona
someone on reddit appears to have read my substack and posted the infamous obama canvasser story to a meme subreddit. screenshot in the post vs this one i just took. i censor the slur in a different way than the original article so it's definitely mine
seeing a lot of people trying to explain what TPOT is, politically, and the closest thing to an explanation is "straddling the exact fulcrum point at which nick land went insane"
brianna wu is in her mid 40’s like theres a certain point where youre too old to beef with trans women in their 20’s online as a hobby. like, please maam leave that to buck angel
i still don't think this place has the juice. they missed their shot
as we see his mugshot tonight i am glad eastman is under indictment although i still think hanging him and all the claremont ghouls from a dc 7-11 should've been the play
twitter is dying, i was suspended, if you wanna keep in touch dm me for my discord wait you can't because this fucking website is also dogshit. elon musk should kill himself
chanting "THIS NATION USED TO BUILD RAILROADS" at the DC-Baltimore Maglev community meeting while dozens of NIMBY boomers attack me like i'm fucking doomguy
god help me i am entering a scp foundation arc again i have like a dozen tabs open
the fbi shutting down twitter would be good for me personally because this site simply doesn't addict me nearly as much, although i'd miss a lot of friends and my community and my networking.
yeah, the 2014 leaked email was that Scott Alexander had specifically intended Slate Star Codex to promote neoreaction and race science not a single person denied the email, they were just outraged at the leaker for breaking confidence, Yudkowsky even declared that they should be shunned, lol
hey, i do music and i had an album come out a few music ago, it’s very trans and faggy and i’m very proud of it. i’d appreciate it you reskeeted and took a listen
Mel Stone - Princess (Remastered) Choose your preferred music service
i think vox should be nationalized so they cut this shit out
We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! We had tweets. We had oomfies. We had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork. You could've shut your mouth, made shit cars and made as much money as you ever needed. But, no, you just had to blow it up. You, and your pride, and your ego!
i need to remember to get people's irl names before meeting them in person because sometimes i've had to go up to people and say something like "hey, asseater9000?" and hope i don't get pepper sprayed for saying that to a stranger
the new left inspiring tons of new, groundbreaking work in feminist, queer and postcolonial studies vs the new left any time it tries to do something political
the new left inspiring tons of new, groundbreaking work in feminist, queer and postcolonial studies vs the new left any time it tries to do something political
Literally the first thing j saw this morning was Stalin's Big Naturals. Thanks faine.
friend of mine said the problem with this site is that there isn't nearly enough misanthropy and i agree with him tbqh y'all are too earnest and that's not what i want in social media
probably bad that we have "allies" who will just threaten to kill or kill americans and we gotta be okay with it because israel and saudi arabia "promote stability" or whatever. mbs killed khashoggi, the idf killed abu akleh and a settler mob almost killed an IL state rep but it won't matter
huge fan of cishet guys who just like, hang around trans women without being weird about it. they're not trying to fuck anyone and they're not weird about gender shit, they're just down to hang. it's the sort of masculinity we need more of
i think this is fake but man i really want it to be true
this really is the most organic possible opportunity to mention uncle o'grimacey
"The fact of the hijab’s sheer visibility offers a challenge to the Hindu nationalist government, which is challenged by the existence of its Muslim minority" -
"The Redeemers were a political and paramilitary force in the Southern United States who successfully ended Reconstruction [and] imposed white supremacy with various laws we collectively dub 'Jim Crow.'" -
getting dragged on the other site for thinking that smugly mocking evangelicals does nothing but make you feel smug and superior while not actually stopping them and that liberals who have not met or been around fundamentalists do not understand why they are so dangerous