
Pretty sure Dash Sulzberger’s lapses (of news judgment) and John Roberts’ lapses (of fidelity to his oath) concern me a great deal more than the disputable ones the Times keeps hyping.
I've kept Wordle, because it's a crutch. Otherwise, I'm out.
This said, Cooper isn’t all wrong here. (The 270-EV question is whether the press pack will let this discourse end _even if_ the ticket changes.)
sort of half convinced swapping out Harris would be a marginal increase in Dem chances, but I am extremely sure that being stuck in this discourse for the rest of the campaign would be ruinous
Setting the particular topic aside for a second, this is a truly spectacular case of the Times' pathologically incompetent "Where there's fire, there's smoke" theory of writing up high-stakes investigative stories
I dunno man, did you read the article? Some of these lapses seem extremely serious.
Heh — I did, but at least for this discussion’s purposes my follow-up tweet probably covers my thinking here.
Put Trump in a room with Putin and he'll give him Ukraine while ranting about sharks
Yes I agree, neither of them are capable of serving as president