
What am I looking at? Did someone troll Fox News again?
Fox ran a story on an "authentic" survey about college graduates, that had all the crazy horseshit you'd expect from Boomers ("they want too much money!", "they brought a parent to the interview!" etc) – original screenshot below Someone deleted the text from a screenshot and replaced it
Wait there is not a chance that is a real survey. No way did 19% bring a parent with them. Are we sure this also isn’t fake?
Some dipshit posted the original on LinkedIn and I accidentally did more research. The scare quotes are very appropriate. (The survey platform got their data from those shitty 'take a quick survey for 2 snekogems' mobile games, and the demographics are self-reported. It's spectacularly unreliable.)
No, this is how you lie with Stats. It does not say that 19% of candidates brought a parent. It says 19% of employers surveyed said that they had A candidate bring a parent. I assume these are big HR departments, so 20% of the companies had that happen .01% of the time.
I'm pretty sure the graphic means that 19% of employers that responded to their survey claimed it's happened at least once to them, but out of how many interviews, who knows? Probably not outright fake, but only as accurate as the respondents' honesty - which is questionable at best.
I mean, the website definitely isn't a survey company, so I have no idea what this is.
In addition to the point that the percentage means "percent of employers surveyed who've seen this happen at least once" and not "percent of interviewees who did this", "brought a parent with" could mean "Mom drove, then sat in your air-conditioned lobby to wait b/c I have no car".