Alex Blaes

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Alex Blaes

Nerd, professional drawer of straight lines, painter of small things.
I really, really shouldn't spend $300 on paint today.
New phone means new camera to play with!
Slowly getting my vampires painted!
I'm not a fan of the war on drugs, but yes officer, this WSJ commentator right here.
I do taxes for a living professionally, all of my emails are discoverable, and I have absolutely no fear of a single criminal or fraudulent issue of a false business record charge in the whole fucking email archive
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Today is Décadi the 10th of Prairial in the year 232. Prairial is the month of meadows. Today we celebrate the scythe.
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FYI, that Golden Gate Bridge search query is fake. Here's the account that originally spread it.
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If You Publicly Ridicule And Make Monkey Noises At A Black Classmate For Protesting, People Might Find Your Twitter Account Praising Hitler: Why This Is The Biggest Threat To Free Expression In America, tomorrow by, I’m going to say, Robby Soave
I am apparently the luckiest ADHD-haver alive: My meds have now been ready for pickup same day twice in a row.
Reposted byAvatar Alex Blaes
Reposted byAvatar Alex Blaes
It took several minutes to remember how SCI TEXT translates to numbers on an old phone but it was worth it
🤔 #sciart 🐡
Now taking bets as to how long Asmodee survives being spun off by Embracer.
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NDA is over for Pathfinder 2e's Tian Xia World Guide! So glad to be part of this great team of writers! I wrote Goka (an entrepot city and megapolis, building upon Sen's earlier work) and Songbai (松柏, my reimagining of 1e's Shokuro). Enjoy the art and ask away with your questions about these places!
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A blessed return of the holy day to all those that celebrate
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you guys we talked about this
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Science communication, every other day: "Anyone can understand nuanced science concepts if we explain them with beauty and rigor! If we listen and connect! We need to be creative and deep and..." Today: PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T STARE AT THE SUN.
Working out really oughtn't be allowed to hurt this much afterwards.
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Okay. Brace yourselves. This is the thread where I discuss which BG3 companions would have violated the Hate Crime Act (Scotland) 2023.
I may be new to the whole "gym" thing, but YESTERDAY WAS LEG DAY, WHY DO MY ARMS HURT
Reposted byAvatar Alex Blaes
oh my god my partner found a bat napping in some blossoms oh my god
Reposted byAvatar Alex Blaes
a) So why is the retirement age still that high if it's that old? Wasn't the promise of all this technology that it would enable 3-day work weeks and earlier retirement? b) We routinely listen to music from halfway between the Ottoman Empire and today.
"Retirement age is 65, that's crazy!" says BlackRock CEO. "Our retirement age dates from the time of the Ottoman Empire!" Fun fact: the Ottoman Empire dissolved after World War I. The Titanic sank before the Ottoman Empire did. The time of the Ottoman Empire was not that long ago.
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MLB’s investigation into Shohei Ohtani is sponsored by FanDuel. Use code GAMBLINGISBAD for $200 in free bets
I am not much for posting food pics, but this is the prettiest food I have ever eaten.
I cleaned my desk. It only took about two hours. ...Please clap.
Finally a conclusive answer to the "can dogs be racist" discourse.
we found it. the first bad dog.
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Reposted byAvatar Alex Blaes
Finally finished my Praetor!
I have a reasonable sleep schedule for perhaps the first time in my life. I... Like it? There's sunlight?
Holy shit it posts.
Now taking bets as to whether this motherboard works.