
1/ Why the Dem freakout after the debate? We are all traumatized by 2016, and the debate triggered our collective trauma. "No! Not again!" Hence the panic.
2/ Where does the panic come from? Is it fear that Joe can't do the job? No. Because we know he can. He's done it for 3.5 years at the highest possible level. The government is in good hands with Joe/Kamala.
3/ The panic comes from fear that he'll lose. That's what the panic is. And the only way we lose is if we splinter. 4/ Splintering is what Jabba the Trump wants, which is why he Gish-galloped his way through that ugly debate.
5/ How to move forward? Unity. Unity. Unity. If we are united, and accept the leadership of the best president of my lifetime, we will not lose. On the contrary, we shall prevail.
"Jabba the Trump" 😆 THE ACCURACY
But that doesn’t explain the panic of the NYTimes and their one-sided reporting. Funny how they never demanded the felon, rapist, insurrectionist back out of his nomination.
They are complicit. What they’re doing is intentional. It’s hard to suggest otherwise.
I think a lot of people had that reaction, immediately followed by OH HELL NO. Biden collected something like $14 MILLION right after the debate. Almost 2x what the sycophants sent Rump. And he moved up in the polls. That rally on the 28th, You get knocked down, YOU GET BACK UP. Game change
CNN cynically agreed to allow Trump to use a "debate" to just do what he does at one of his rallies. Then, whoever advised Biden to try and spew factoids didn't understand what was going on and didn't get that voters would rather have Uncle Joe than someone's thesis paper.
Preaching to the choir. 5% of voters in four states will decide for the rest of us. A Republic, if you can keep it, he said...
Total Media Failure. Instead of going after Trump, Media went after Biden.
Good point ... it's a long way to November and the electorate has a very short attention span....