
Important from Jamie Raskin: News of Trump's call with Saudi Crown Prince raises big questions about what Trump is promising right now to the Saudis that he'd do for them if he wins. On the pod, Raskin tells me Congress should probe Trump-Saudi relationship👇
Why Trump’s Sordid New Dealings With Saudis Have Jamie Raskin The Congressman explains how reports of undisclosed conversations between Donald Trump and the Saudi Crown Prince raise all kinds of ugly questions that demand answers.
More from our pod w/Jamie Raskin: Raskin says Senate Ds have been a bit "gun shy" about using subpoenas to probe Trump-Saudi nexus, noting it would require 60 votes to enforce them. I asked if Ds should make Rs vote on this anyway. It got interesting👇
Why Trump’s Sordid New Dealings With Saudis Have Jamie Raskin The Congressman explains how reports of undisclosed conversations between Donald Trump and the Saudi Crown Prince raise all kinds of ugly questions that demand answers.
Jamie Raskin and I discussed whether Trump is promising the Saudis that he'll prevail on Congressional Republicans to help undermine Biden's foreign policies. Raskin points out that we already saw this when Trump ordered Rs to kill Ukraine aid bill👇
Why Trump’s Sordid New Dealings With Saudis Have Jamie Raskin The Congressman explains how reports of undisclosed conversations between Donald Trump and the Saudi Crown Prince raise all kinds of ugly questions that demand answers.
Jamie Raskin also says it's important to "fill in the blanks in terms of the very specific commitments that he's making right now" to the Saudis and other "right wing governments" around the world, who are "doing everything they can" to help Trump win👇
Why Trump’s Sordid New Dealings With Saudis Have Jamie Raskin The Congressman explains how reports of undisclosed conversations between Donald Trump and the Saudi Crown Prince raise all kinds of ugly questions that demand answers.
Am I missing whether you have transcripts of these somewhere?
we don't, hoping to have at some point soon
Cool. Look forward to that.
He’s not the only one. Russians bailing out Truth Social, now this? Cooooool…
We know the house won't look into this, and no one expects Gen. Garland to open an investigation in an election decade. Maybe the Senate should look into it.
It just blows me away... of ALL PEOPLE to possess that kind of power, it ends up being him. It might was well have been Paris Hilton or Snoop Dog.
Can't Senate Dems have a hearing regarding these overtures to Orbán and MBS plus who knows the possible others like Put'in?
So the Logan Act is another one of those pesky laws that applies to everyone except Donald Trump
It's well past time, imo. They should've done this when he inked the LIV golf events at his properties. But better late than never.
Our institutions are failing us badly where Trump is concerned.
I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Proof that Trump sold Intel to foreign interests. We already know that all the missing stolen files haven't yet been recovered.