
Question: After SCOTUS ruling, can Biden now order DOJ to prosecute Manchin/Sinema on trumped up charges if they refuse to vote to end the filibuster and appoint four new justices? Wouldn't order to DOJ be absolutely immune, and wouldn't threat to the senators be at minimum presumptively immune?
Can Biden order Harris to not certify any results from this year’s election if Biden isn’t given enough electoral votes to win?
Would probably be presumptively immune, as far as I can tell
Yeah, I don’t understand how any of this is okay and why anyone who believes in democracy, no matter where they exist on the political spectrum, would think it okay.
Can with his new found powers, Biden declare a convicted felon is not eligible to be president, and Trump must report to prison July, 12th. Can Biden order the DOJ to investigate graft in the Supreme court- specifically Kavanaugh, Thomas and anyone else who received undeclared gifts?
They would hold it not something that could be prosecuted but also that Biden had no authority to do so for whatever reason they felt like saying
There’s only immunity if you’re a Republican POTUS.
Article II only exists when there is a republican president. Article I has authority when there is a majority Republican Congress. It's all explained in the secret section of the 2nd Amendment.
Any plain reading of the Constitution will reveal this.
What bugs me about this, from Scalise, is that it’s exactly the opposite of what they said! They gave a green light for presidents to have a direct hand in prosecuting (or worse) their political opponents!
You mean there are people on the Supreme Court acting in bad faith??
Let Biden order DOJ to prosecute Scalise and see what he thinks then
they established that only norms guide the rule of law - norms which democrats abide by and republicans do not.
So bribing a porn star and hiding the payment is an "official act"? Likewise, the attempted coup Interesting legal theory from Scalise
Suspect that you'd get an emergency appeal to SCOTUS, which would be upheld. This is only intended to work one way. Which is why you have to ensure that there is no emergency appeal to this SCOTUS. If you're going to dream, dream big, and there are at least six vacancies in DC's jails.
The mistake there is thinking that the decision is now part of the rule of law. This court has clearly shown it has the willingness to reinterpret legal doctrines, original legal meanings, and facts. It’s safe to assume they would find a way to make anything like that, if done by Biden, illegal.
When they made this destructive and illegitimate ruling they did so with the full knowledge that Biden is an HONORABLE man and would not abuse it. SCOTUS is part of the republican mafia - we the people need to fire them!! SUPER MAJORITY is necessary!!!
If he thinks the current SCOTUS is a threat to his official duty to protect and defend the Constitution, can he have them all declared enemy combatants and sent to Gitmo?
No, because any precedent they create to protect the GOP is reversed the moment a Dem tries to benefit from it. They rule by Calvinball, and their only principle is that they alone have the right to do so.
Yes. Doesn't matter what the motivation was, and if it was an official act, you can't use evidence of the official act. Since everything he does can be called an official act.... Is that a catch-22?it feels like one.
Yeah so called bipartisan advocates Manchin & Sinema share the blame for a lot of our current problems. Glad they’ll both be gone next yr!
And he can order Manchin’s houseboat seized and auction it off. He gets official acts immunity and the officers get qualified immunity and he can use the proceeds to bribe Clarence Thomas to say it’s OK.
Why stop with Manchin/Sinema? He could do that to all senators.
Is this question not going to be part of the lower courts? define what "official acts" means or is ANYTHING a POTUS does is an official act. sorry, Confused Canuck