"The wheels of justice move at a speed much slower than that which proper food safety proactive and reactive response demands. Even without Chevron deference, it is imperative that we prioritize efforts to uphold and strengthen the robust food safety culture cultivated after 1993."
Safeguarding food safety post-Supreme Court's decision on Chevron The recent Supreme Court decision to eliminate Chevron deference marks a pivotal shift in how federal agencies interpret and enforce laws. Established
And we're currently driving up a summer surge in the west. Just a heads up, folks - you can go back to masking if you stopped! It's only reasonable to change your behavior based on new evidence. The current variant involves gastro distress. Who wants to spend a week imitating a hose at each end?
The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly.
End of feed.