
FYI this guy seems to be on the precipice of a Main Character arc meltdown if that interests anyone
I don’t need any tools to see you are of sub-porcine intellect
The conceit of this entire argument "that factory farming and transphobia are a uniquely southern thing" as if our entire food system doesn't rely on factory farming, regardless of politics, is very weird
Also transphobia is not a uniquely southern thing
Also also I would probably not condescend to a trans woman about her experience of transphobia while trying to find good BBQ if I were a cishet white dude (which I am)
also the original poster just said they wanted BBQ, they said nothing about "pork"! dude's jumping in to fight for Babe when for all we know the OP just wanted some brisket or beef ribs!
also also i'm no pig expert but seems veeeery generous to slot them in all the way at #4 on "list of earth's smartest animals"
That’s not even close to my point
Then what does this actually mean?
Awww damn the same people that operate industrial torture facilities for the fourth most intelligent animal on the planet have bad politics. I’m shocked
This is an opportunity to clarify and expand on your real point. I'd suggest you take it.
Both pigs and people are intelligent enough to be aware when they are being treated cruelly. It’s no surprise then there is a correlation between the states that enthusiastically slaughter pigs as part of the culture and a lack of empathy for people different than them.
i'm not sure how this refutes my characterization of your point at all and even if it did, i would still not condescend to trans women about it like you did
Pig and cow slaughter happen everywhere as part of the meat industry. In a lot of states, cities. Liberal, conservative. Left, right. So again, what's *the point*?
because reminder, cassie was talking about finding good bbq. are we saying the pit masters are also the factory farmers? there is maybe a point here that you could make more coherently and less assholishly but that's not what you're doing
Really busting out the Big Words to show he has Big Brain
Idk I don't think he's got that dawg in him, this outburst seems like an aberration from an otherwise unremarkable garden variety leftist shitposter
Yeah you're probably right
love reading things like "astrotheurgy enthusiast" on a profile and having no idea whatsoever whether that's a joke or totally earnest