Hey. Name's Grimm.

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Hey. Name's Grimm.


Artist. Bargain Bin Aziraphale. Approximately 3800 Roborovski hamsters in a Carhartt jacket and they are all trying very hard. He/Him, They/Them
I love this. Also, some cool info on where the words Skunk and Chicago come from and what they mean!
13yo and I are amusing ourselves at breakfast by looking up “raccoon” on google translate and seeing how many languages were like “yup, that’s a bear doing its laundry” - German: Waschbär (washbear) - Danish: vaskebjørn (wash bear) - Bulgarian: миеща мечка (washing machine bear)
Dear people who interacted with me on the "What -is- Sin, exactly?" Thread -- -- I haven't had that much fun talking to multiple people online since, I dunno. 2009? Thank you so much, that was amazing? I have so much to look up now aaaaaa XD Keep doing what you're doing. <3
The river was a good idea. <3 So was having a tasty snack!
Do not obey in advance.
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
O--oh. Hm. ...This looks like a very, very good day to do literally anything but be on social media!
We lost a real one, just now. In the 90's, I was a queer, closeted, imaginative kid with very limited access to sex-negative, euphemistic, overwhelmingly hetero-normative sex ed. I also had a precociously developing libido that TERRIFIED me. She's one of the few sources of info that helped me.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, America’s diminutive and pioneering sex therapist, dies at 96apnews.com Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the diminutive sex therapist who became a pop icon, media star and best-selling author through her frank talk about once-taboo bedroom topics, has died.
Yup. Staying the hell away from the news. Here's a poorly photographed sketch I drew while listening in on a really cool comic artist's twitchstream before the net kicked me.
I came home and found out that there was a great desire to see a House Martin/Pine Marten Griffin, and a Raven/Wolverine Griffin. I did my best.
I've been thinking about Magnus Hirschfield's Institute Für Sexualwissenschaft a lot, lately. Y'know. The first modern gender studies clinic. The one that lasted 14 years during the Weimar interwar period until the Nazis burned it. My personal library of Alexandria.
Good morning, Great Britain. Congratulations!
Properly healing my drawing arm. Publishing two decades worth of stories I co-wrote with my spouse. Keeping the day job, because I actually like helping people. Getting involved in more collaborative and community-based art projects and spaces. ...Maybe I'd even teach, or help host workshops!
artists, what would you be working on right now if we had UBI/debt cancellation?
Today, I got up. Went to work. Helped co-workers get through the day. Came home. Put away my phone and made a pillow fort in front of the bedroom window. My spouse read fanfic aloud. I watched squirrels make nests in the trees. The whole world smells like rain. The horrors persist. So have I.
Little dude is absolutely fearless.
Today, I have three goals: Breathe. Hydrate. Take note of the small, good things. Today's small thing is this handsome little man:
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your phone but don't explain it
What’s your favorite black and white movie? (I am surprising nobody with this.).
What’s your favorite black and white movie? What can I say I’m a Basic Bitch 🤷🏻‍♀️
Doop doop doo just gonna go peek and shriek at social media -- *sees reblogs and likes and panics until I get the full context* Oh! ...Thank you! Glad you liked the silly little comic of my non-human neighbors!
Why are you lgbtq+ wrong answers only They told me to just act natural and be myself when I was growing up and I took that at face value.
why are you lgbtq+ wrong answers only There weren't enough hot women in my city and I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world.
I have a Rob Liefeld joke, but it's really out of pocket(s).
I have a joke about Jack Kirby and Charles Schulz but it'll break your heart.
...I spent 6 years stuck in 300 and 400 level Art History classes, studying -why- paintings were or were not popular at the time of their creation. Jonathan Yeo just dropped a historical BANGER of a painting, and watching the discourse in real time is amazing.
Doves make the stupidest nests and I love them for it. There's a mating pair at work who have made their nest in one of the boxwoods and they both keep forgetting where it is. Also, their nesting material is always too long, so even when they find the right hole, they are still thwarted by physics.
It's that time of year again. My spouse is outta the cocoon and making garden beds again.
The nice thing about getting discreetly married alongside a big comic convention is, whenever my spouse and I both inevitably forget WHEN in March we signed the paperwork, Wikipedia's page on Emerald City Comic Con always has us covered. It'll be 10 years on Thursday!