
On Joe Biden’s worst day (the debate) he was still better than this
This was a speech during which he did not have to answer any questions, he supposedly knew where he was going to be several days ahead of time, and this is what he came up with
On his Va golf course he has a Civil War memorial for a battle that never happened.
I think he learned history from Michael Bay.
It's not importnt but love how he deemed it "The Rapids" and you look and it's just a glass-topped calm section of the river
Not ONE fucking media person called for Trump to step down after he said this nonsense Nor after he gave top secret info to Russia spies in the Oval because he is stupid Or after it became obvious he believed stealth jets were LITERALLY invisible
I wonder if anyone has ever linguistically analyzed why Trump uses the word "beautiful" the way he does. It's so odd and feels almost dialectical, but I don't know if it's just because he's that addled.
It’s because he knows like 8 adjectives
We have been watching Donald Trump for nearly a decade now and one of the things that is incredibly clear about him and is never highlighted is that he is stupid. He is an idiot. He is a moron. He is a babbling fool. He may be some sort of savant at being evil, but he is a blockhead.
When you have a vocabulary of 300 words you tend to repeat them a lot
absolutely, but decades of “better than the other guy” campaign slogans got us where we are