Deth Veggie

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Deth Veggie

Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable -- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -- .ooM

Hacker / Archaeologist / Gadabout / Professional Something-or-Other.
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It’s all 100% masks off at this point, lads.
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
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You should have to wear a dunce hat if you spend 10 years stoking political violence and then someone shoots you
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The message is that there’s still time to bend the knee. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast!
This is pretty funny given that court exhibits revealed Carlson to be a non-believer of Trump and the RNC’s election claims. He’s an actual sane person who just has no morals and is acting out the role of a conspiracist. A legitimate grifter. It’s a documented fact.
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This is a good point. She could have waited until after the election, or after a jury is empaneled. It smacks a bit of mask-off triumphalism, a sort of HA WE ARE WINNING TRUMP 4EVER BITCHEZ, which may be an accurate perception of the drift of things, or not.
The only thing that surprises me about what Judge Cannon did is that she did it this soon, on grounds this likely to be overturned.
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It’s almost like the pundit class wants the wrong things out of this campaign season
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I know everyone is focused on the shiny object, and with good reason, but can we also look at this other above-the-fold item, pretty please? Thanks.
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“Millions of kind-hearted compassionate people agree that immigrants are vermin poisoning the blood of America, or at least are compassionate enough to get past someone saying that.”
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
Your regular reminder that Sticker Mule is run by a bunch of alt-right anti-vaxxers who are actively promoting fascism in this country.
*sigh* Time to find a new sticker manufacturer.
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The meekest immigrant doing the most humbling manual labor is just trying to improve his life and support his family. It’s the same reason Vance degrades himself before a man he knows is a fraud, and who seems to enjoy humiliating him. The difference is that there’s honor in manual labor.
I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
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If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
I'm a bit concerned that Republicans are successfully working the refs with the "turn the temperature down" rhetoric after they made it slightly warmer than the sun.
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“Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic.“ #giftarticle
The Gunman and the Would-Be Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.
Please don’t “both sides” the “violent political rhetoric” conversation when one side regularly glorifies and intimidates with guns and the other side speaks out to end gun violence. These are not the same.
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If you wanna “bring down the temperature” that is never accomplished by unilaterally disarming
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Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
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This is NYT’s portrait of a Trump rally, where the explicit agenda was putting millions of people in concentration camps before deporting them.
Nazis need to be punched.
MAGA boards are lighting up with declarations of civil war, with a NY-based Proud Boys channel calling for feds, Democrats and reporters to be “hung in the streets.”
Far-Right Extremists Call for Violence and War After Trump "They should all be hung in the streets," one person wrote of Democrats, the media, and others. "War now," another wrote.
Pretty much.
If someone took a shot at Biden Trump would be selling commemorative band aids “sorry to ear about your near miss”
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/2 It’s also the vast militarization it’s going to require. We’re going to be an occupied nation. Detention of citizens and lawful residents is inevitable and in fact clearly intended. Large-scale violence against immigrants, suspected immigrants, and bystanders is inevitable and clearly intended.
Yep. I mean, they are literally planning concentration camps. This whole thread is worth your time.
The mass deportation scheme is probably the most immediately scary part of Trump 2025. It’s not just the just the forcible deportation of millions of people and accompanying family disruption That’s bad enough. Nor is the let’s-see-what-pulling-this-lever-does-hurr economic recklessness./1
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The Republican slogan for 2024 is going to be “Stop Hitting Yourself, Stop Hitting Yourself, Stop Hitting Yourself!”
oh man I missed this fucking gem just casually platforms (unchallenged in headline and synopsis) the authoritarian lie that the people opposing authoritarianism are the ones responsible for violence
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What if I told you “investigating it as domestic terrorism” doesn’t mean anything at all, but is a null-phrase calculated to mean “we take this seriously” without being specific, kind of like “person of interest”
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Harrison Ford is 82 Here’s my favourite interview with him
The last two weeks(?) have somewhat improved my impression of Joe Biden, dramatically improved my estimation of Kamala Harris, and left me deeply ashamed of the Democratic Party
I suppose not everyone can be like me... I get actual satisfaction and joy out of blocking fucktards. Pile on, please, the more I get to block, the happier I am.
a few people were like, "why didn't bouie just block people" and, because i just experienced this (again), you have to be extremely fucking quick on the draw to stop a particular kind of pile-on, and who wants to do that kind of work for something that's ostensibly supposed to be fun