
“AI will replace movies. I can make my own version of Star Wars where I’m the hero and Obi-Wan doesn’t die.” The problem is we’ve allowed a society where adult men can say things like this without being shunned from the village to starve as a pitiful outcast.
The worse the original screenplay was the more room fan fiction can ignore canon so Star Wars is fanfic gold.
extraordinary surge of fanfics after TROS.
It’s the one thing we can thank JJ for but to be fair, TLJ spawned its share since so many wanted to connect the pieces Rian left for us. Or at least I did.
I still can't believe the original 'plan' was to destroy Han and Leia's kid and replace him with some girl... Palpatine's spawn, at that. fun.
I IRC, the Jedi-Killer was a Vader fanboi but wasn’t Han & Leia’s kid until after they hired Adam. That game changer should have made a redemption a no-brainer but they dropped a ball the size of a Death Star.
this is way beyond stupid. This was malicious intent: let attract a bunch of 'diverse' people to the fandom. Then stab them in the heart.
Mike G. said it perfectly after TROS. Then spend your employee's creativity retconing "you're a Palpatine" in other media bc you're stuck with it..