
i would rather be at the mercy of an inert, unresponsive government bureaucracy than a rapacious private entity wholly devoted to sucking every last penny out of every single interaction
even when the Reaganite dogma that the government is bad at delivering services directly is true, it ends up that's almost entirely because of Reaganite sabotage of service delivery in order to support convoluted schemes to induce the private sector while allowing them to take a cut.
the mythology of 'private sector is more efficient because that's how they make profit' is as silly as American Exceptionalism lol private sector don't want to be efficient, they want inefficient monopolies they can extract rent from with minimal effort, that is literally the goal of all business
Every time privatization comes up, I like to bring up Colorado Springs and that time they privatized their infrastructure, mostly because I know if it went anywhere every libertarian and small government politico would have repeated it on loop.
The Short, Unhappy Life of a Libertarian The residents of Colorado Springs undertook a radical experiment in lean government. Here’s what they got.
Lol the New Hampshire bear invasion libertarian story is my goto
Aaaaaaaah!! I totally forgot about the Free Staters! Thank you for this delicious meal, I will savor it.
Their interest in efficiency only goes as far as how quickly they can make money.
it is far more efficient to fire people and load up companies with debt than actually improve business processes, it is known
also the same people who tout this are the people who complain about Indian phone CSRs and how you can never talk to a person at the bank
"why do I have to deal with the consequences of my actions" is the whole of boomer politics
I think most boomers honestly aren't fans of this shit either the fans are people that never need to actually use their own tools all these techbros have concierge doctors and personal assistants and brokers
Business is inherently inefficient, that's what the profit margin is, all profits are inefficiency. That before any other corporate maliese creeps in like, lazy executives or pass the blame management.
finally understanding "profit is theft" was a domain expansion experience
even if you imagine like the most ideal efficient competitive Trucking Company they’re going to (1) redundantly develop tech and strategies along other trucking companies and (2) compete for contracts with Train Companies this introducing systemic inefficiency
This is why competition is good, because it forces businesses not to do this, and it's why anti-trust law may need to be shored up.