People Migrate

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People Migrate

Abolish-cages, deportations, prisons. Build-shelter, safety, community. Great Lakes girl in the PNW.
Magnolia tree popping off! gardensky 🌱and foragesky (?) you can make stuff out of the blooms right?
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Since it's Ida's bday today & I love her, a little story about collective action. A few years ago (2018), I learned about a longstanding effort to complete a monument to honor Ida B Wells. For over a decade, her great-grandchildren & others had been trying to raise needed funds.
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“While working in the Trump White House, Miller was largely responsible for some of the administration’s most draconian and cruel policies, including its ‘Muslim ban’ and its family separation policy.” "He is expected to again serve as a top adviser if Trump wins in November …”
Noted white nationalist Stephen Miller attempts to distance himself from Project 2025 after appearing in recruitment video. The general counsel for his America First Legal group also wrote a chapter on the DOJ for the project’s policy book:
Stephen Miller attempts to distance himself from Project 2025 after appearing in recruitment
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“it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.”
Rep. Rashida Tlaib: “There is so much anti-Palestinian racism in this chamber that my colleagues don’t even want to acknowledge that Palestinians exist at all—not when they’re alive, and now, not even when they’re dead.”
In the US, counting the dead in Gaza has become a gruesome political The House passed a ban on citing the Gaza Health Ministry’s casualty counts, saying the numbers are pro-Hamas “propaganda.” But researchers say the Ministry is not even counting all deaths.
Boundary Waters, MN
Very unfun fact: Project 2025 specifically names Minnesota's Boundary Waters Canoe Area and wants to remove its protected status and open it up to mining. This is the future Donald John Trump wants.
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Am working on my 3rd asylum case of the week. Poking around southern Bogotá on Google Maps, stumbled upon a bakery called Bread Pitt
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“The problem that the West has with Palestinian resistance is not terrorism. It's not the targeting of civilians. It's not armed resistance. It's resistance full stop...There is not a single form of Palestinian resistance that the West is prepared to accept.” Muoin Rabbani
What is everyone preferring for search lately beside google? It is really just becoming more and more useless.
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We’ve lost a giant. Please read Jane McAlevey’s work. It’s about far more than labor, it is about the human and systemic nature of all political change.
Jane McAlevey died on Sunday at the age of fifty-nine. Sarah Jaffe writes on the legendary labor organizer and author, who inspired a generation of young people cut off from class politics to think about the still-central role of the workplace.
Raising Hell | Sarah Jane McAlevey cared about making workers’ lives better in the here and now—not just in some far-off future.
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Jane McAlevey died on Sunday at the age of fifty-nine. Sarah Jaffe writes on the legendary labor organizer and author, who inspired a generation of young people cut off from class politics to think about the still-central role of the workplace.
Raising Hell | Sarah Jane McAlevey cared about making workers’ lives better in the here and now—not just in some far-off future.
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If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.
Every continuing resolution and budget has called for an increase in ICE funding so they can…. set up fake schools?!?
"The University of Farmington was even listed on the website of ICE as a school approved by the U.S. government for students. It seemed real to its 600-plus students, a majority of them immigrants from India interested in studying technology and science."
Students at fake university in Michigan created by ICE can sue US, court An appeals court ruled in favor of students who said they were tricked by ICE into enrolling at a fake university in metro Detroit.
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Tuesday comfort food. It’s been a week.
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In a new piece at JAMA, we argue that politicizing immigration to mobilize voters has negative consequences for immigrants’ (and their descendants’) health. We call for the development of structural competencies among physicians and new research on migration stigma and health
Migration Stigma, US Politics, and This Viewpoint discusses stigma and health consequences associated with migration in the context of the US election and identifies ways to develop
Gear test for the catpacking trip
I forgot what a walk of shame the light rail station is from the SeaTac terminal.
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I know there's a lot going on, but could a journalist please look into wtf is going on with Mohela? There doesn't seem to be any way to get answers from them about all the weird shit they've done over the last couple weeks
I just hit the elder millennial trifecta of paying childcare costs, student loans and long-term care cost at the same time. What is my prize?
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Here's what we're gonna do. Most of us. Instead of rage-posting memes and speculating about stuff we have no way to know or control. After today, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna plan for our most vulnerable friends and neighbors. We're gonna take care of the people on our left, & our right.
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"A rule of judicial humility gives way to a rule of judicial hubris.... The majority turns itself into the country's administrative czar." -Kagan in dissent re Chevron
Not to mention it is going to cost the government so much too!
Mass deportation means rounding up folks who live in our communities, work w/us, feed us, & care for us. "Beyond the devastating human & community impact, there will also be a massive hit to the US economy," including costing many Americans their jobs:
Mass Deportation is a Kitchen Table The Devastating Consequences of the GOP’s Signature Promise are Worth Talking About
Uh oh! Has Seattle Public Library been hacked again? Someone please confirm. I’m going to die.
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Second is State v. Muñoz. Barrett has the decision holding a citizen has no fundamental liberty interest in their noncitizen spouse being allowed in the country. Sotomayor, joined by Kagan and Jackson, dissent.
I want to get real nerdy about the new immigration EO but I don’t think enough immigration practitioners made it over. Because what is the difference between a 601a waiver and a 601a waiver w/ PIP? They are basically the same benefits wise. What am I missing?
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‘Tis the season of brand new summer interns and files scanned upside down.
Immigration as politics to get elected on, rather than a policy issue to actually work on, is inhumane and really just tiresome at this point.
Wow almost as if he's ruining thousands of vulnerable people's lives for absolutely nothing